TINY HOME TOUR | The perfect VAN doesn't EXI-- Over 4 years of Van Life!

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Occy and have moved into my van to join the van life movement in Australia, allowing me to live, work and travel full time! I cannot wait to get out there and overland Australia 🙌🏼

#Vantour #Tinyhometour #Vanlife
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Thank you for watching! I now have a complete gear list (with links) of everything I used in this van build on my new website! Check it out at www.maxandoccy.com
Hopefully it can make your life a little easier! 💛


Thank you so much for watching!!
One final note. For those wondering why I am wearing a top that looks well past it's prime. It is. But it is also the top I was wearing the day I met Lee.
This weekend marks one year since the passing of the most incredible person I have ever met. I count myself beyond fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with her. Let this be a reminder that life is short & we never know what is around the next corner. Hug your loved ones tight. Take risks. Smile. Be kind to one another & above all, be kind to yourself.
Live your life to the fullest 🌻✨

Lots of love, Max & Oc 💛


Wow, a few days ago i said “i know what i wanna do with my life and my mechanical engineering knowledge. I wanna build a Van” and my uncle and gf were very supportive of the idea and now they just sent me this! Im very excited to start this process. For now im just saving money to buy the van first and from there, time will tell of my adventure. Im also doing YT for a hobby so maybe I’ll record and edit my process.


As a 15 year old girl who wants to live in a van with a dog and the world as my back garden this was very helpful! Your van is absolutely beautiful and occy is so cute!


The bed process is totally fine. Definitely a small price to pay for that added feature/functionality.
I've always felt a lot of the permanent bed vans were a bit of a waste, so this looks excellent and definitely the way I'd want it.


Hi Max. I can't believe I actually bumped into you and Occy in your natural habit today! What a sheer fluke! I wasn't even where I'd planned to be at the start of the day. I recognised Occy first, then that amazing van. Sorry if I came across as a gushing fanboy lol. Seriously mate you and the vanlife community helped me get through 2 years of lockdown in Melbourne, fuelled on dreams of having a go at vanlife myself. Well I finally did it and lo and behold I get to meet one of the people that inspired me on my first trip out! Keep up the good work mate. Your craftsmanship, talent and genuine human kindness are an inspiration to us all.


Max, you can definitely tell this is your 4th van... your attention to detail and consideration of every element shines through! Here's hoping our third conversion which we are about to embark on will be as beautiful as this! We loved the build series and looking back it is crazy to think you did all that on your own and during a lockdown. Thinking of you and all your loved ones this weekend, you truly do carry some of Lee's light with you. All the best dude, and keep chasing!! X


I wasn’t expecting to watch a 30 min video on van-life but this was so interesting. The van layout and aesthetic is so modern and cute. This simple way of living makes me a little jealous. You did such a great job. Stay safe 💙


this is one of the cleanest most practical builds I've ever seen and the amount of storage is insane for how open and roomy it looks.


A man who loves and cares for his dog is already high on my list of worthy people


having the fridge slide out sideways instead of into the hall of the van is so smart. Never seen anyone else do that and Ive seen a TON of builds


I think this is my favorite van build of all time. If I were to do a van build this is exactly what I'd want it to look like with all of the features I'd want. It's sleek, modern, clean looking, great lighting with all the amenities you could want in a home on the go. I absolutely loved it. I'm just wondering what you charge to do it for someone else?


He has a point about the bed. I agreed with the people who installed a permanent bed but once permanent, it's always like that. There's no rule that says you must convert your bed every morning into couch area, you can always just leave it as a bed every day. But his way, you have the choice. You can have friends over and quickly create a livingroom. Also he has that nifty extension to use as a table...just need a couple of chairs.


This is incredible, thanks for the tour. My dad did custom van installations decades ago, as a kid I always admired it seeing the van start as just a metal shell. This was the 80s. Many were these large brown “robber vans”. At his funeral his customers from all over told me that his meticulous attention to details and craftsmanship meant it lasted well beyond their expectations. A pleasure to watch this video and see it come together, congrats, it’s beautiful 👏🏼.


Lee will always be missed. She is locked tight in your heart and will forever be a part of your life. So happy to see you and Occy today. I really enjoyed this video and got a laugh when Occy got stuck.


Hi Max, I am glad you have been receiving help from therapy. We have been receiving help for years after my son died from self-inflicted gun shot wounds. Without professional help, we would not be here watching your channel. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing your story.


Absolutely marvelous van conversion!! I love how much room there is in this van. I don't know what I love more, that large kitchen or that wonderful shower!!


Like I've probably said before mate, considering your not a (tradesman) you've done a better job on the van than most people that have the (tradesman)skills . As always it'd a joy watching your videos and I'm sorry it's such a hard time for you at the moment, being the 1 year mark of Lee, just carry on doing what your doing with your head high pal.


Loved the whole van build series, and this tour brings it all together perfectly. You’ve come such a long way since starting this. It’s good to see you and Occy happy and together in your little cabin on wheels.


Dreamy dog, dreamy owner and dreamy van-build!
This is probably my best small home/van-home build I’ve ever seen…I could live in this tomorrow ❤️
