Survey of English Dialects

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Survey of English Dialects
The Survey of English Dialects was undertaken between 1950 and 1961 under the direction of Professor Harold Orton of the English department of the University of Leeds It aimed to collect the full range of speech in England and Wales before local differences were to disappear1 Standardisation of the English language was expected with the post-war increase in social mobility and the spread of the mass media The project originated in discussions between Professor Orton and Professor Eugen Dieth of the University of Zurich about the desirability of producing a linguistic atlas of England in 1946, and a questionnaire containing 1,300 questions was devised between 1947 and 19522
A map displaying the localities included in the Survey of English Dialects
1 Methodology
2 Publication of material
3 Archive material
4 Sites for the survey
41 Wales
42 Isle of Man
43 England
5 Criticisms
6 Bibliography selection
7 Voices survey 2007-2010
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
313 localities were selected from England, the Isle of Man and some areas of survey of english dialects examples, survey of english dialects in england, survey of english dialects and accents, survey of english dialects youtube Survey of English Dialects
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