Troubleshooting! Anna Griffin Continuous Cards Assembly

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How to do the cards right the first time before you lose 4-5 cards trying to figure it out.
Please note: I love Anna Griffin (my imitation of her at 5:36 was my trying to mimic how her sweet voice sounds to me, and I failed miserably). I love all she does! I'm not making fun of her or pointing out any flaws in her.
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Found your excellent video after trying countless times to get my Anna Griffin Continuous Card die set to work. Your FIND of helping the sides fold back is absolutely crucial for success. Can’t tell you how much nice card stock I ruined trying to make a successful card. Even with the dies set that is supposed to make score lines( it does not) pointing out the importance of scoring all the score lines first with a bone folder is equally important. Thank you:)


This is very useful after I figured out her orientation. Since she is viewed sitting on the left and we are viewing from her right; I still had issues with getting the right way up. It would have been more clear for me if the view was over her shoulder.


Thank you so much for helping me find my mistake. I made three continuous cards and they are all looked like the first 2 cards you showed us. I ended up making 2 totally different cards that were super simple compared to the continuous ones. Thanks again. Mary Ann


I've had a mess too. I thought what a waste of money and there are not enough of the cards to stick. I counted and counted and felt everything here for 20 but not main problem. But I just made the pop up floral card today and they are a 10 and beautiful. Stylish . Sophisticated. Wow. Thank you so much for this video.


Thank you. I have ruined 3 cards and just gave up.


I can't thank you enough for posting this troubleshooting video for Anna's Continuous Card Assembly. I tried to find your second video and review. Can you send me the link so that I may watch that one as well? You are so awesome and so thoughtful to post this for everyone. Cuz you know we are all sooo frustrated trying to figure this out!! So....thank you, stay safe and I can't wait to see any additional video's on this darn card. I am using my hubby's computer to watch this. Your crafty friend, Katz Baugh


Thank you for helping! I was exactly going wrong by not folding it the whole way. Thank you once again.


Thank you for your video. Even my mechanical engineer husband couldn’t help me with this. I think this cardstock is too thick for this type of assembly. I’m going to use the decorative elements for something else.


OMG thank you so much. I was crying I was so frustrated. I was doing wrong exactly like you said!!!


I also now use a hot glue gun on ALL adhesive squares for much better adhesion. And I include a “how to operate” note with this card to everyone who isn’t a cardmaker.
