Teen shoots at intruder
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Teen shoots at intruder
Teen shoots at intruder
Teen shoots intruder while protecting grandmother
Detroit homeowner shoots teen intruder hiding in attic
911 call released from teen shooting intruder
Houston news: Boy home alone shoots, kills suspected burglar
13-Year-Old Shoots Home Intruder After Taking Gun From Hesitant Mother In Phoenix AZ
Boy Shoots Burglar
Southgate homeowner shoots and kills teenage intruder
Homeowner who fatally shot teenage intruder will not be charged
Teen intruder shot to death by homeowner on Detroit's west side
Georgia Mother Shoots Home Intruder: 911 Tapes
Homeowner: No regrets killing pregnant intruder
GA teen who was visiting girl mistaken for burglar, killed
Police: 84-Year-Old Man Fatally Shoots Home Intruder, Fights Off Another
LA homeowner fights back against armed intruders
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Woman 8 months pregnant uses AR-15 to kill burglar after home intruders attack family
Wild videos shows homeowner shooting at 3 suspected intruders
Intruder shoots 15-year-old in the face during scuffle in East End home | Raw scene video
Expert weighs in after teen home intruder shot by resident
Phoenix homeowner shoots, kills intruder, police say