20 Things You Won't Believe This Isn't PHOTOSHOPPED!
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20 Things You Won't Believe This Isn't PHOTOSHOPPED!
They say life is stranger than fiction, and in this video, you will get to know why they say
this. We are about to present you with some incredibly strange images that defy the laws of
physics, and they seem to obey some unknown forces, whether it is magic, or something else.
But we will solve the mystery one by one, are you ready to question those laws that you
learned at school? Here are 20 photos you won’t believe aren’t photoshopped! Watch out for
number 1 as it will blow your mind away!
Number 20.) Cat versus Gravity
Cats are naturally tenacious climbers, not letting anything stop them. Now, look at this kitten
in this image, it seems like it has some supernatural powers as it is levitating above the
ground. But in actuality, it is just holding on to the armrest of the sofa with its extremely
powerful nails, which act like crampons and allow it to hold on to and move on almost all
kinds of surfaces.
Number 19.) Crossing Balloon
Look at this incredible image in which a stick is crossed through an inflated balloon without
it bursting. You might be thinking that it is maybe some kind of magic trick but let us tell you
the science behind this trick. To perform this trick, you just need an inflated balloon, a
pointed stick, and oil. You need to use the stick dipped in the oil and puncture the balloon
very close to the knot, and it won't burst. This happens because when you inflate a balloon,
the internal tension increases but it isn't uniform and the area close to the knot has less
tension, so it can be punctured without exploding. Are you ready to surprise your friends with
this trick?
Number 18.) Levitating Figure
Is it some kind of magic forest in this picture? No, it is just a stainless-steel sculpture that
seems to mimic the landscape. It was made in 2013 by a British artist named Rob Mulholland
and this amazing work of art is known as Levitate Forest Felled. The genius artist used
stainless-steel wires vertically to make it stand upright, and he placed them so perfectly that
they're almost invisible at first sight. With his incredible work, Mulholland sought to raise
awareness about the environmental effects of cutting down trees. A sad scene to witness,
Number 17.) Incomplete Sculpture
Have you ever felt the need to just pack your bag, and go for a crazy adventure? French
sculptor Bruno Catalano managed to capture such feelings with his bronze statue which is
known as Legrand Van Gogh from the series of sculptures les voyageurs, or the travelers who
seemed to be suspended in the air. When you see it, you'll feel that the upper part of the body
is hanging in the air, but in reality, the upper body is welded to the suitcase. This statue
provides a blank canvas so that the viewers can imagine their own stories about what these
figures might be carrying on the other hand. What's your guess, tell us in the comments down
Number 16.) Aluminum Boat Floating in an Invisible Sea
In the following video clip, you can see this small boat floating in an invisible sea in the tank.
This sea is invisible because it consists of an invisible gas called Sulphur hexachloride. The
main characteristic of this gas is that it is five times denser than air, which causes light
objects to float on it, just like this boat made up of aluminum, and you'd feel as if it's sailing
on an invisible sea,
Number 15.) Diamonds
Is this a crystal balloon? No, it is a sculpture made by an artist in New Zealand, named Neil
Dawson, in the year 2002 for the National Gallery of Australia. This sculpture symbolizes the
globe floating in space. We know you must be wondering how is it that possible for a globe
to be floating in the air? When you look closely, you would find out that this work of art is
made up of aluminum and painted mesh and it is supported by long cables which are so thin
that it is impossible to be able to see it from a distance.
Number 14.) Floating Faucet Fountains
When you see these disconcerting taps, you must be wondering that this is some sort of
magic that provides an inexhaustible source of magical water. But it is just an optical illusion
with very clever engineering applied. The tap remains stable, thanks to the support provided
by a transparent tube hidden in the water splashing from the tap itself, and the water comes
from below and is pumped through a tube that is completely hidden. Ah, now everything
makes sense.
Number 13.) Floating Sandcastles
These rocky structures look like a product of erosion, but they are actually sandcastles built
by a man in Massachusetts. To create these incredible and crazy structures, he used discarded
material such as pieces of wood, by which he built a frame that served as his base. Then, he
used the classic dripping sand technique to give it the beautiful structure it has. He gave us
the message of recycling useless objects by making such wonderful structures out of it.
They say life is stranger than fiction, and in this video, you will get to know why they say
this. We are about to present you with some incredibly strange images that defy the laws of
physics, and they seem to obey some unknown forces, whether it is magic, or something else.
But we will solve the mystery one by one, are you ready to question those laws that you
learned at school? Here are 20 photos you won’t believe aren’t photoshopped! Watch out for
number 1 as it will blow your mind away!
Number 20.) Cat versus Gravity
Cats are naturally tenacious climbers, not letting anything stop them. Now, look at this kitten
in this image, it seems like it has some supernatural powers as it is levitating above the
ground. But in actuality, it is just holding on to the armrest of the sofa with its extremely
powerful nails, which act like crampons and allow it to hold on to and move on almost all
kinds of surfaces.
Number 19.) Crossing Balloon
Look at this incredible image in which a stick is crossed through an inflated balloon without
it bursting. You might be thinking that it is maybe some kind of magic trick but let us tell you
the science behind this trick. To perform this trick, you just need an inflated balloon, a
pointed stick, and oil. You need to use the stick dipped in the oil and puncture the balloon
very close to the knot, and it won't burst. This happens because when you inflate a balloon,
the internal tension increases but it isn't uniform and the area close to the knot has less
tension, so it can be punctured without exploding. Are you ready to surprise your friends with
this trick?
Number 18.) Levitating Figure
Is it some kind of magic forest in this picture? No, it is just a stainless-steel sculpture that
seems to mimic the landscape. It was made in 2013 by a British artist named Rob Mulholland
and this amazing work of art is known as Levitate Forest Felled. The genius artist used
stainless-steel wires vertically to make it stand upright, and he placed them so perfectly that
they're almost invisible at first sight. With his incredible work, Mulholland sought to raise
awareness about the environmental effects of cutting down trees. A sad scene to witness,
Number 17.) Incomplete Sculpture
Have you ever felt the need to just pack your bag, and go for a crazy adventure? French
sculptor Bruno Catalano managed to capture such feelings with his bronze statue which is
known as Legrand Van Gogh from the series of sculptures les voyageurs, or the travelers who
seemed to be suspended in the air. When you see it, you'll feel that the upper part of the body
is hanging in the air, but in reality, the upper body is welded to the suitcase. This statue
provides a blank canvas so that the viewers can imagine their own stories about what these
figures might be carrying on the other hand. What's your guess, tell us in the comments down
Number 16.) Aluminum Boat Floating in an Invisible Sea
In the following video clip, you can see this small boat floating in an invisible sea in the tank.
This sea is invisible because it consists of an invisible gas called Sulphur hexachloride. The
main characteristic of this gas is that it is five times denser than air, which causes light
objects to float on it, just like this boat made up of aluminum, and you'd feel as if it's sailing
on an invisible sea,
Number 15.) Diamonds
Is this a crystal balloon? No, it is a sculpture made by an artist in New Zealand, named Neil
Dawson, in the year 2002 for the National Gallery of Australia. This sculpture symbolizes the
globe floating in space. We know you must be wondering how is it that possible for a globe
to be floating in the air? When you look closely, you would find out that this work of art is
made up of aluminum and painted mesh and it is supported by long cables which are so thin
that it is impossible to be able to see it from a distance.
Number 14.) Floating Faucet Fountains
When you see these disconcerting taps, you must be wondering that this is some sort of
magic that provides an inexhaustible source of magical water. But it is just an optical illusion
with very clever engineering applied. The tap remains stable, thanks to the support provided
by a transparent tube hidden in the water splashing from the tap itself, and the water comes
from below and is pumped through a tube that is completely hidden. Ah, now everything
makes sense.
Number 13.) Floating Sandcastles
These rocky structures look like a product of erosion, but they are actually sandcastles built
by a man in Massachusetts. To create these incredible and crazy structures, he used discarded
material such as pieces of wood, by which he built a frame that served as his base. Then, he
used the classic dripping sand technique to give it the beautiful structure it has. He gave us
the message of recycling useless objects by making such wonderful structures out of it.