Why Is He Still Talking With His Ex? #shorts

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He’s not emotionally available if he hasn’t CUT THOSE TIES. I always pass.


What men need to understand is for a woman to feel safe with him, the ex talk and talking to exs must go. The relationship won't grow into juicy, delicious. Stay present with the present in front you! ❤


A major red flag. That emotional connection is a red flag. If he hasn’t cut those emotional ties, that is a major red flag.


I would never tolerate a man being in regular contact with his ex. Only exception is if he has children with her. I understand why he might want to (the reasons specified in this video) but it is a dealbreaker with me. Even if nothing happens, it puts me in a difficult situation where I have to trust his word that he has no further interest in her and I'll feel stupid if I do. It seems incredibly disrespectful of the new partner's feelings.

Other people can do however they want to. I know some people will date their friends' exes and such. For myself, I'd rather be forever alone than put myself in a situation like this.


Take a pass ladies... he could be "hoovering" his ex; a man who is looking for validation from other women is not a man you need in your life.


I’ve been nothing but burned by men talking to exes. Not good.


It’s clear why the guy is still speaking to his ex - he’s still emotionally involved. Inappropriate if he’s trying to move on and date others. That’s what therapists and other friends are for.


Jonathan you should also include that it’s bad news bears to talk to a guy in communications with his ex, even if it’s seeming harmless. He does not to bring all that history and baggage to a new woman. It’s disrespect


If he feels so safe with her why did they break up 💔


Never! Again! He broke up and went right back to her. I told him I dont like this situation, he said nothing is going on but suddenly she deleted him everywhere on social media although he just claimed they are friends Lol she got pissed I am with him, now he is back with her and they are friends again everywhere.


He's not in to you, so when you find out that he does talk to his ex run a mile and don't turn back
Because he's probably having few lurking in his DMS


It's disrespectful to the new partner. It destroys relationships from forming. The period was on the end of that sentence for a reason. It's really just him keeping a hand in a cookie jar as backup and typical behavior of a narcissist to purposely make the new partner feel insecure. That's more likely reality....


I briefly dated a man who spoke about his ex and wasn’t complimentary about her at times other than to say she was a good mum. It was wearing. I sensed he wasn’t over her. She’d cheated on him.
I asked him who’d he’d feel if I spoke about my ex continually and he got my point eventually but it left him with no other conversation as his experiences were all shared. I ended it and few months later he was back with her only to find himself single two years later when she’d cheated ? on him again.
I ran into him u expectedly one night with a woman that wasn’t his usual girlfriend of a few years. It was clear they were going home to his. Made s point of saying hello then they walk away from train station. It was clear I’d caught him out.
He was still with his girlfriend who he dumped few months later. Thank God it wasn’t me in that situation.
The red flags were there at the start it took the universe a few years to show me who he really was.


Very bad news. Time to head for the exit asap. If they are co parenting together, maybe I might make an exemption. But, not sure on that. I would definitely keep my distance.


The man needs to reverse things. How would he feel if the woman is still talking with her ex?


Sometimes they share kids together & have no choice either. Most divorced people don’t like their ex’s. Clearly they weren’t “best friends” or they’d be happily together/married. Also depends on why they split up & how long, etc. But if he wants HER & NOT me, then he’s NOT my guy & will be out of my life. I want someone who wants ONLY ME.


If he feels so safe with the ex why bring in a new person? Is it truly over between them? I would probably leave him to his ex. Especially if I found this out in the beginning of the relationship. I want someone who is just as available to me as I am to him. I would not be interested in dating anyone with small kids. The kids have to be grown up and out on their own.


This is something that I really can't agree on with you. You might be able to be friends with your exs cuz you say you can do it without it going any further, most men cannot. You can't give this advice to women that it's ok because most men that can't break a bond with an ex isn't ready to be in a safe and committed relationship. Please stop telling women men can be friends with their ex/women just because it's your truth. Most men are not emotionally available if they need to go to an ex to share feelings, etc.


You’re describing a weak man. And women run for the hills from desperate, insecure, toxic men ! You’re describing what Pathetic men who haven’t grown up do. Seriously, please don’t talk
To us about what weak men do and why they do it. We’re done ! Weak men are all over the place ! We don’t want to hear any garbage ANYMORE. I don’t care what his weak behaviors are. We’re interested in REAL men with lives who don’t seek safety from exes. Please don’t talk about broken men . It’s aggravating.


It’s one thing if a man is discussing his children with their mother and something entirely different if she is an ex lover. I find it highly inappropriate for a man to talk to an ex lover. They need to move on if the new relationship is to grow and build trust and intimacy. A woman needs to feel secure in order to love. If a woman is kept in the dark, then she’s going to walk away.
