Five GoPro Hero 5 Tips and Tricks

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Here are five really cool tips and secret tricks for the new GoPro Hero 5. These useful Gopro Hero 5 Black tips will definitely come in handy at some point while using this amazing little camera.

Must Have Accessories.

My Favorite Drone

In this tips and tricks video I cover the following subjects.

1. Removing the lens cover on the GoPro Hero 5 Black
2. Removing and reattaching the side charging door to allow for external power / batteries or external microphone while the Hero 5 is in its housing and mounted.
3. How to access the front LCD setting on the GoPro Hero 5 Black
4. How to lock the touch screen of the GoPro Hero 5.
5. Changing settings to maximize and extend the battery life on the GoPro Hero 5 Black.
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Thank you for sharing these tips.

As someone else said, the camera IS waterproof to 10m without the front lens cover, but it will not focus without that flat piece of glass (thanks to the physics of optics).


You're very meticulous to give ALL THE SMALLEST DETAILS!! Really appreciate that thank you :)


Great tips, Just a comment on 4:23 I have accidentally left the door off the Gopro 5 Black and dove into a fresh water lake (was under maybe 5 seconds) The camera did stop working but I pulled out the battery and SD card, shook it to get as much water out as possible straight away. Left them to dry for a couple of hours in the sun. Then put the camera, battery and SD card next to a hair dryer for about an hour on a warm setting and the camera is working fine. The battery drains a bit quicker now and the SD card still works (although the footage on it when submersed is gone) BUT just a heads up, the camera can still be saved :)


Hi Mr. Air ! First I’d like to say I’m 65 1/2 yrs old. My beloved relatives bought this cam for me for a Christmas present in 2019. I’ve taken tons of pics / vids . That door that has the usb charger slot popped off and I couldn’t get it back on for almost 4 months. I live in central Florida so, it rains here almost every day. I was terrified that I would get water inside . For months and months I’ve been trying to cram, push, .. force that door back so I could use it outside. THANKS To YOU ! I was able to get it back on !!! Today is fri. Jul 3 2020. Your my GoPro HERO ! Thank you! Happy 4th. Of July !!!


Thank I haven't been able to put that charging cap back on since day one I took it off which was almost two years ago. BUT I PUT IT BACK ON THANK I"M WHOLE NOW


Thanks for all the tips! Just recently got a GoPro myself, will be taking it to my adventures to SEA and South America this summer!


Reducing the display brightness will also safe some battery....


Great tips. Just bought mine. Sweet pawn shop deal with all the goodies. Still learnin. ♥️


Finally a good video that dosent talk about random small things he talks about useful things thanks


This video was all worth it just on the tip on how to get that side door back on that covers the USB port. SOB, I thought I had broken the housing the first day. Thanks All Photography.


Just received my hero 5 black today. Thanks so much for the tips. videos well done and easy to follow. Sound is great. will be looking forward to more videos.


Didn't know about that he front LCD and changing settings! Thanks..


Great job! Your video did not have a long prelude. Your video and audio quality is good. Your TIPS and content are JUST what I was looking for "Tips and Tricks" THANK YOU!
I liked the front LCD tip and the battery saver the most but ALL were helpful.
Thank you

[edit] The detailed tip on putting the door back on --- VERY NICE TOUCH! Good to know [/edit]


Thank You so much 😊
Accessing setting was helpful.
My touch screen was f’d up. At least I use like this now


Thanks for the tips. I didn't realize I could remove the door, that's SO useful, and a feature I really missed about my hero 4. Got any tips for preventing handling noise from transmitting to the hero 5? Most of my audio is unusable if I'm touching the mount it's connected to. My hero 4 never had that problem. I've tried switching the audio between wind reduction and stereo, but it's still awful. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, I really miss my hero 4 now.


Thanks for the vid, the side door removal and screen lock are super useful 👍


Thank you! You probably saved my door!


These tips are very much appreciated. Invaluable. Thank you Sir!


Just got my 1st GoPro and I enjoy learning these tricks!!! Thank you


Thanks for the video. I didn't know about the front LCD screen for changing settings either.
