Mnemonic for Trends and Issues in Nursing Education.

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Topic: Trends and Issues in Nursing Education
I. Definition
a. Nursing Education
b. Trends
c. Issues
II. Trends and Issues in Nursing Education
Nursing Education
“ Nursing education is a professional education which is
consciously & systematically planned & implemented through
instruction & discipline & aims the harmonious development
of the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual &
aesthetic powers or abilities of the students in order to render
professional nursing care to people of all ages, in all phases of
health & illness, in a variety of setting, in the best or highest
possible manner.”
A general direction in which something is developing or changing. Issues
An important topic or problem for debate or discussion.

Trends and Issues in Nursing Education
1. Curriculum changes
2. Technology - reliance
3. Rewarding career
4. Educational quality assurance
5. New specialties emergence
6. Diminishing govt. role
7. Shortage of fund
8. Innovations in teaching &learning
9. Shortage of Nurse Educators
10. Service side - talented Nurses
11. Uniformity & standardization
12. Enhanced study status
13. Student Nurses - Nursing students
14. Others
a. Coping with the impact of globalization
b. Transnational acceptance
c. Preference to short term clinical performance
1. Curriculum changes
- Flexible design, Competency based, Focused on outcome
- Emphasis o student participation
- Friendly nature.
2. Technology - reliance
More reliance on technology
Tool – teaching & learning
Use of educational psychology
Emphasis on high-tech-high touch approach (high
technology - 3 H of nursing care -
Preserve human element of nursing care without
undermining technological advancement.
- Digital media
3. Rewarding career
Ensuring a promising career
- Ensure a career 100 % after professional education any where in the country or in the alien countries
4. Educational quality assurance
- Quality cx measures
- Accreditation bodies- Uniformity
- Process of monitoring evaluating efficiency & effectiveness
5. New specialties emergence
- According to the needs and demand of the public and development of the profession the new speciality programmes are added day by day.
6. Diminishing govt. role
- Nursing education – contribution more by privatization than govt.
7. Shortage of fund
from the part of govt. leads to – privatization – Nsg education.
8. Innovations in teaching & learning
- Online flat form learning
9. Shortage of Nurse Educators
- Potential shortage of nurse educators
10. Service side - more talented Nurses
- Talented nurses – opting career in service side for better prospectus
11. Uniformity & standardization
- Various universities & Nsg. boards – uniformity & standards
12. Enhanced study status
13. Student Nurses - Nursing students
- formerly - student nurses
14. Others
a. Coping with the impact of gglobalization - preparation of global nurses-Developing country – India – quality nurses – can work in all parts of the world
- b. Transnational acceptance
- Accepted world wide – highly qualified Indian nurses – accepted in the whole
universe - quality
c. Preference to short term clinical performance
Hope this video will be beneficial to the students.

Thank you.

Prof. Reginold Michayel. D
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It was really very easy way of teaching and mnemonic was very good... It is really easy way to learn fast... Thank you


Thank you sir...
The class is very helpful to study..
