O come, O come, Emmanuel - (Piano/Cello) - The Piano Guys

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We love the Holiday Season. Why? It's a great excuse to be extra nice to each other. =) ... And we love Christmas music, lights, presents, and the excitement of our sleepless children anticipating the advent of Christmas day. We know there are many out there who do not celebrate Christmas or believe in what it may represent. This song is not meant to exclude anyone. We hope this song is an opportunity to reflect on everything we are blessed with in life -- family, a beautiful earth, a place to rest our head, the warmth of the sun. The lyrics of this piece speak of being "ransomed" from captivity. In general terms, at some point or another in our lives we find ourselves at the receiving end of a "ransom" -- a rescue by someone or something -- even as simple as a note from a friend, a hug from a child, a much-needed vacation, or the unconditional affection of a loyal dog. That is what this song represents to us. People may define the "rescue" moments in life differently, but the meaning of the moments remain the same. To many, including us, the story of The Savior is the sweetest and most priceless "ransom" of all. To Him we dedicate this song.

And with this video we wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a bright future filled with "rescue" moments. We love you!

A thousand THANK YOUs to John Garbett and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for allowing us access to their beautiful Jerusalem Movie Set where this was filmed. We felt transported to the Holy Land as we played music and filmed there. It was an incredible experience.

And many many thanks to Marshall McDonald, an incredible friend and example who co-wrote this arrangement.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel - traditional
Arrangement written by Marshall McDonald and Steven Sharp Nelson
Arrangement produced by Al van der Beek, Jon Schmidt, and Steven Sharp Nelson
Performed by
Steven Sharp Nelson: Cello
Jon Schmidt: Piano
Cello recorded by Blair Leishman at Covenant Studios
Piano recorded by Al van der Beek at ThePianoGuys Studios
Mixed and mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studios
Video filmed, edited, and produced by Paul Anderson

Lyrics to O Come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
[Refrain] Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
Who orderest all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory over the grave.
O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
O come, O come, great Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes on Sinai's height
In ancient times once gave the law
In cloud and majesty and awe.
O come, Thou Root of Jesse's tree,
An ensign of Thy people be;
Before Thee rulers silent fall;
All peoples on Thy mercy call.
O come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of all mankind;
Bid Thou our sad divisions cease,
And be Thyself our King of Peace

#thepianoguys #pianocello
Рекомендации по теме

Well, l am a Critical Care Nurse and didn't know what else to do for my client. I asked if l should play a piece of music because music is therapeutic and the answer was yes. Played this heavenly music on my mobile phone and behold miracle happened. Client slept like a child where all sedatives failed. Strength regained and asked for more and so healing won for Client now off Nasogastric Tube, swallowing test passed and now eating slowly and medication reduced. Peace, relaxed nerves achieved and getting stronger. Everyday Client asked for this particular Music and eyes shut while enjoying the piano and only God knows what else but felt good. Thank you for this music of which l learnt to sing passionately as a child too. Beautifully played, Bless you The Piano Guys, indeed. Bless you!


To all those who say 'I'm not a religious person I was just the same as you for 40 years. I'd listen and be moved by these great pieces of music without ever really wondering why. One day, all that changed and my life was transformed overnight. I'd say to you all, seek Emmanuel while you can. Fullness of God in a child, given for you. When that reality touches your heart, you'll never be the same. Bless you all.


The birth of the Savior has inspired some of the world's most beautiful music.. Merry Christmas!


The most beautiful piece of music ever made imo.


Some music gets stuck in your head. This gets stuck in your soul.


I'm not exactly a religious person, haven't been to church in years, and yet hearing this song gave me the clearest image from my childhood of walking into church on a cold winter morning with my grandparents. Sometimes nostalgia hits you like a freight train. I just sat and cried for a minute or two, recalling old memories with them. Thank you for this song.


Thank you Lord you saved my life after 20 years of heroin, im a Greek cristian


10 years later and this is still one of the most captivatingly beautiful renditions of this song I’ve ever hear. ❤


I Play this whenever I cannot handle the world no matter what time of the year. Thank you, Piano Guys.


My momma went to heaven listening to this.


If the Son sets you free you are free indeed.


This is beautiful. Contemporary Christian music can't hold a candle to this.


You don’t find a cellist like this every day. His bowing is impeccable, his notes flawless. He’s technically perfect, but plays with so much emotion it’s as if he’s playing it straight from his heart. A cello is a beautiful thing, but what is it without someone like this to make music on it?


Thank you my savior Jesus. You saved me from hep c, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, lung cancer and many mishaps in my life. Your mercy is unfathomable. I love you Jesus.


I lost my mom this September and this song gets me every time. I firmly believe a day will come that we will be together again...I am not afraid to die....its living that's hard.


Many gifted musicians have played this carol over the years, but no one has ever performed it better.


There aren't too many arrangements that really capture the longing in this tune... this one captures it beautifully. A comfort in such dark times. Have listened on repeat this season.


This is the kind of thing we'll be hearing in heaven.... beautiful


Woke up this morning at 3:50 am. This song was in my mind and on my heart. Anxiety over bills unpaid, bills due yesterday when the pay check is still over a week away, wouldn’t allow me to sleep. Kept hearing this song in my head and came across this rendition. OMG! The more I listen, the lighter the load becomes. Thank you Emmanuel! Thank You Piano Guys! I know everything is going to be alright!


I am a sinner. The worst kind, a hypocrite. Pray for me. I do love you Jesus, forgive me.
