Autistic Burnout: The Biggest Epiphany of My Life

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Please take care of yourself. We have come to love you and what you do for others. Please, take care of yourself.


Thank God for this video. I'm a late mother of older age with an autistic son that's currently 18 and graduated this year and he's getting ready to be 19 in June. He's had Dysthymia Depression since he was diagnosed with Autism at 7 years old. He is working at this time at Fastfood restaurant and still lives with me his Mom. He is struggling with repetitive work with food. He seems like he's getting ready for the burnout you are talking about. He is very exhausted mentally and physically right now. He also works hard. No one works as hard as him at his job. Preston is the type that doesn't like anyone to know he is autistic. He wants to completely deny it because he's afraid of what others will think of him. I want him to know it's nothing to be ashamed of but I don't know what or how to help him with not being ashamed of it. You are helping me understand my son more. His father is Moderate Autism and his Uncle's and Aunts on his Dad's side. Without mom helping I don't think he would have made it this far in his life. We are in Southwest Missouri. Very informative video and good to know that others have this as well as Preston. Thanks! 🙂


I'm learning about my autism too. 77 years old and have known about a year now. It all makes sense now.
Thanks, and keep sharing.


Mack, I’m sure I’m not the only one who really appreciates your doing this live when you are not feeling well. You’re quite a guy! Also, shout-out to Jason for being such an engaged and helpful wingman. I know it must not be easy to see someone you care about suffer.


Hi Mack, Have you noticed that every time you hit a personal challenge, and share what you learn from it that you’re able to help so many people? We all have a purpose in life…and yours seems to be to shine a light on things most people tend to blame themselves for. You offer knowledge, practical solutions, and most of all your humor and perspective help to remove stigma. You’re clearly doing God’s work. Please take care of yourself. You are loved by many.


Shout out to Jason's Lip Swiffer. 😄 🙋‍♀Guilty for commenting b/c my autism appreciates your autism and my burn-out understands your burn-out. Precisely why we need an Emotional Support Moose. Thanks, Mack, for giving us one of these 👍, and one of these ❤


Wow, so real. I love this channel so much more now. You're literally turning your own autism into helping others with autistic burnout, for free, and extracting ad money from YT. I'm in awe.

I wish you the best with your own struggles.


I stay up late as some sort of "revenge time" where I'm "taking back my time" that I spent at work all day and doing errands and tasks. I know it doesn't help at all with my fatigue but in my dumb human brain I'm some how "winning" when actually I'm just loosing hours that I should be sleeping 🙃.


I wasn't diagnosed with autism until I was 44 years old. I'm 53 now. My approach to things has changed since my diagnosis. I have a clearer idea now how to handle things. In my case, different forms of stimulus affect me differently. Some more so than others. For instance, if I'm in a very casual social situation, it's less of a drain on me than a more formal setting. So, let's say I'm at a party having small talk with people. That requires far less skill than a job interview. So, it drains me far less. The more crowded a place is, the more it affects me. But noise level can be a bigger factor. So, a church with 100 people in it might be less of an issue than a room with three screaming kids.

The way I handle it is that I spend most of my time by myself and spend a more limited amount of time socializing with others. I also don't "mask" as much as I used to. I make a reasonable effort to learn social norms and to avoid offending others. But the key word here is, "reasonable". Beyond that, I don't worry about it. If someone has too big of stick up their butt to cut me some slack, I just find someone else to interact with. Part of that, though, is that I'm open about being autistic, and I don't pretend to be a neurotypical or try to pass as one. I came to the realization that I was a lot better at being an autistic person than a neurotypical. So, I should go with my strengths. So, my goal is to be the best autistic person I can be rather than a poor imitation of a neurotypical.

As for the sleep, make certain that isn't just autism. Get checked for sleep apnea as well. I found out that I stopped breathing 131 times an hour. It was life threatening. Now I'm using an APAP machine and that number dropped to below 5. Which is like someone who doesn't have sleep apnea.


My 28 year old son still lives with us. He has Autism and ADHD, and recently more mental health challenges. He can’t work regularly or keep a job. He has many friends online, but rarely leaves the house. Video games help and he is a good teacher and artist. He followed you when you made videos about zoo tycoon and such, and we both love your humor. I think it’s fate I found your channel. Love your content and your messages about Autism and neurodivergence. Thanks!


My therapist (who is also autistic) advised me that burnout has more in common with a head injury, treatment-wise, than depression. Fern Brady mentioned going to an occupational therapist to get a "sensory diet" so she doesn't overstimulate herself and burn out.


Jason, congratulations to you and your wife.


This literally explains why I resigned after 26 years in education. Mack- I sadly get this video from a place of knowing. I haven’t been able to work for ten months and I worked for probably 60-70 hours a week+ for the past twenty of those years. I supervised 1400 middle school students and over 120 adults. The stimulus was constant. I fought the burnout with meds for depression which never helped because I could force myself out of bed and to work and I never felt better. Thanks for speaking on this. It is hard for most to understand. Wishing you all the best- I am still recovering and still selectively isolating very regularly. I feel sad about losing a career I loved and worked so hard in but my husband said it was better than losing me! The journey is ongoing- just be kind to yourself as much as possible!


Also you should know that Normal is a setting on your dryer ❤


Wow! I listened on replay. I have been a nurse for 4 decades and if I learned anything it is no matter how good the treatment is, if it is the wrong diagnosis it is worthless. It sounds logical but it happens more often than you might think! Your story is a perfect example. SOOOO thankful you found out what was going on and for those going through this, thank you for sharing. 🙏


After being someone who chased caffeine and not sleeping due to finding a normal environment overstimulating, I think I understand your your need to drink and vape to medicate. My Dr finally tried me on ADHD medication last year. The calm in my head that followed was life changing. I am almost 60 and have been treated for decades for depression, ptsd, eating disorder and burning myself out by overworking etc Since this medication I can now manage my binge eating, my house is largely decluttered and I just started a part time business at home. With a lot of work and a rare good Dr, I am unlearning my past coping behaviours (one being giving up caffeine) but my brain is at peace for the first time in my life. It is short term medication ie 4hrs duration but it resets my brain every morning. Exhausting decades chewing on my brain, losing jobs, friends and relationships. Mack (and recently Jason), you have been a big part of that journey out of a terrible place. If I can get to this place, anyone can. Thank you for giving me the courage and a community to connect with every week.


I big-time relate to staying up too late just to bask in the quiet. I'm lucky to get 5 hours of sleep on weeknights because of my need to decompress after everyone else goes to bed. Autistic burnout is brutal. I'm glad you're doing a video on it, and I hope you're feeling better soon.


I don't know if you will see this ...
You have made me cry because I now understand what has been happening to me for 60 yrs. I was diagnosed autistic 15 yrs ago. Being a woman, Dr's never listen, they just want to give me medication. Everything I experience is what your saying.
Thank you


Jason seems like a really great young man. Hope all goes really well with home and family.


I think of you and your beautiful family every time I'm wearing my "oh look more dishes" and "oh look more laundry" tee-shirts. You give me the grit to keep taking care of the laundry and the dishes ♥
