Jagdpanzer E 100 - Does it suck in World of Tanks?

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World of Tanks. Today I'm talking about the original T10 German heavy, the Jagdpanzer E 100 and if it still holds up in 2020!

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I love how 7k damage is achieved in just 7 penetrations.


Short answer: yes, but if you pen it's fun level is basically KV2


sadly EBR wheel "armor" can "bounce" these rounds.


„You have to be unlucky to roll for less than 1000“ Whenever I play it 6/8 Shots are below 1000, around 880-950


More usually : You shot twice, pen twice, battle is over. With absolute zero impact on the outcome.
And if one time you manage to do real amount of damages it's because you are losing. So this video resume my feeling about it.


I have big feels for this tank, this was my first T10 tank and to see it in this state makes me sad.


I'm a simple man, I see Jp E 100, I click.


Let s be' honest here:jagdtiger, JP e100, ferdinand, maus, mauschen E 100 are all massive and slow tanks with reloads from 11 to 21 seconds. The fact that with some ammo you can penetrate massive spots on the tank is legal cheating. Maus is slow and chunky, ferdinand has big weakspots, e100 has some on the turret s corners and on top, jagpanzer E100 has his cupola... they already have weaknesses and weakspots. Even the bobject nerf makes no sense to me. The power plate is still non existent basically, but pressing 2 you can pen the area near the gun.... this is legal cheating and gold ammo should be' changed asap because they ruin tank roles and tactics.


When gold rounds weren't available for credits in this game, the jageru was a force to be reckon with on the battlefield, if it's lower plate wasn't visible it was unkillable and no one dares to even peek the corner because fear of being obliterated to oblivion. But as soon as you pull the trigger, they swarm you and you're gone before u can reload (21 sec with maxed out stats) As times went on the jageru was never buffed and power crept since it's released and so many hull down tanks came into the game and spam heat unto the super structure, yes it's glory days are long gone, I'm pretty sure it could use some buffs to the superstructure as the e100 is getting to it's turret, to restore it's reputation of the early days of wot. But I won't deny the heat rounds on this thing are very brutal, it challenges even the strongest turrets in this game still, but since enemy spams heat at your super structure, I simply will return the 420 heat shell in your face.


This was my very first tier X tank and I used to love back when gold rounds actually cost gold. There weren't many tanks that you'd face that would have any chance at penning you unless they shot your lower plate.


Came back recently, tried my old jpze100 and stopped. armor worth nothing with all this gold ammo being shot at me.


I wish that they'd make 3 versions of each of the skins, 1 winter, summer and desert. Just change the paint, none of the other element need to change. It just looks so out of place to have a desert skin in a winter map for example.


4:42: No no no QB. It is:
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!" - W. Bush


Unlucky to roll for less than 1000? Must not have played the tank before.


I’ve been waiting for this all week lol


It used to be fun, then it took a powercreep to the knee. It can still BE fun, but its too easy to penetrate.


"You may fire when ready" - Grand Moff Tarkin, famous JagdPanzer E100 ace.


Short answer: No. Long Answer: it's not great but it definitely doesn't suck.


Short answer, yes when hasso isent manning the gun


It's one of those things...I really like this tank, I really do! But it's just unplayable at the moment... there's so many mitigating factors to take Into account. 1). The amount of Heat/APCR being used at the moment makes it's armor worthless. It's threat factor is that as soon as players see it on the overview they immediately dab the 2 key.
2).It's simply been powercreeped over the years, The introduction of faster mediums/Heavies with higher calibre guns (I say that but everyone knows that the same 2 guns have different stats in this game.) You're constantly out positioned by your faster opponents.
3). It's Reload is ridiculous. 20 seconds with a maxed out cree gives them enough time to break cover, permanently track and HE you from behind.
4) it constantly gets ammo racked and tracked, every round, and I mean everyone damages something, whether it's the tracks, Loader, gas tank etc something always gets damaged.

I could really go on and on... It needs a buff I think, either directly to it or Gold ammo needs nerfing.
