How I Opened My Third Eye While Drawing a Mandala

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I've been working on my third eye chakra.
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Perhaps those of us called to practice sacred geometry find it is intrinsically related to our soul our wholeness our spirit our path... our being our individual creativity and our connection to the life force. I relate. Thank you for sharing🔥


I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing your story. I love the drawing 🙏🏼👁


I believe you. Because it has happened to me. Blessings to you young man.


Thank you for sharing, I love the subtle muted colours on your finished mandala.


amo tu trabajo y tu manera de ver la vida atraves de tu trabajo en el dibujo, mandalas gracias


This is a great video!! Love that your talking about Vibrations and meditation.. I recently went though my own awakening and my whole life has changed in every way for the better and I can see so clearly now. Feels good! Meditation and Yoga most days.. It's such an amazing thing !!


I totally get it and I have experienced this when I am in a guided meditation but I have yet to be able to do it on my own. thankyou for the reassurance that if I keep trying I will get there.


That place your in during your meditation is the void. THE actual void. The place from which everything is birthed. Its happened to me 2 times. Its a great pace to be when you're wanting to manifest.


When balancing chakras, I like to pair them by their opposite color as usually one closed is "paired"/compensated for by its opposite. So like if my heart is closed, my root is too open. If my sacral is closed, my throat is too open, etc. The third eye stands alone.


I feel comfortable and calm watching this art🇸🇦👋


I love your channel, your videos are helping me a lot with the art and also with concentration 🌷 many tks


Damn third eye chakra being enabled through mandala? Never heard of it ever
Also ur sacred geometry mandala vid was amazing


Thank you so much sharing your experiences, I could connect your field, what is also mine energy field. Sending my pure love for you.
I love your works, when i see your videos my mind slows down...
I am practising to be... Just to be... there is no needing anymore and it means I am Abundance also... So what is important for me, what do I choose from my infinite possibilities by energies by feelings.


Sounds to me like you ARE opening your third eye! good for you, I'm working on that too through meditation. Getting high on your own supply!


Fun fact about deserts and rain forests. The sand from the Sahara Desert gets blown all the way across the ocean and ends up dusting the Amazon Rain Forest. The plants use minerals in the sand to help them grow healthily. So yeah... There are connections everywhere, even between things that seem completely opposite from one another.


Just to recognize/notice. Shapes helps eyes and organize a situation


Hola zak.... Desde bcn... Decirte que sigo tu canal y realizo muchos de tus dibujos.... Maravillosos dibujos. En mí producen un efecto mágico... Gracias, gracias, gracias por gran talento....


Me encantan!!!! Vivo en Cancún, México y si. Así es. La selva tropical es fascinante, los manglares, las aves, los reptiles, bueno, una infinidad de vida y marítima igual. Un lugar donde puedes disfrutar el mar y la laguna y solo se divide por una avenida hermosa, dónde está la zona hotelera. Con unos atardeceres nunca antes vistos. Increíble!!!! Un lugar para meditar y hacer runas. Mucho aprendizaje.


Take me to your dealer or take me to your healer, great look & listen, I like the bit with the folded tracing paper-.Your artwork is insane, I just can't decide which I like most the black/white or colour? Quality


Hello Brother! Your videos and tutorials are great! I've always had difficulty creating mandalas and I really admire those who do, and with your teachings, I'm learning a lot! Gratitude! I see that there is an influence of entheogens, such as Ayauaska and psilocybin, perhaps, in your work, because I know what visions are like too. It's amazing how the mandalas, geometries and fractals that form during these experiences are just like the ones you do! I see it even more clearly when I use Changa, which is the same substance present in Ayauaska, DMT, but extracted from the Jurema plant (Mimosa Hostilis), which is a very powerful plant. If you still don't have a schedule for the turn of the year, you could appear at the Universo Paralello festival, here in Brazil! I believe you will really enjoy the experience, if you haven't already! Maybe we'll meet there to exchange an idea! My English is not so good, but I try! hahaha Big hug!
