Pope Liberius | Pope Vigilius: Papal Heretics: Vicars of Christ - by Peter de Rosa

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Pope Liberius | Pope Vigilius: Papal Heretics

"Many Roman Pontiffs were heretics. To Catholics this sounds like a quote from a bigoted Protestant. A heretical pope seems as contradictory as a square circle. The First Vatican Council said that the pope, without needing the consent of the church, is the infallible judge of orthodoxy. It is surely unthinkable that a pope like John Paul II could separate himself from the truth and, therefore, from the church by falling into heresy?

The quote is not in fact from a Protestant but from Pope Adrian VI in 1523: "If by the Roman church you mean its head or pontiff, it is beyond question that he can err even in matters touching the faith. He does this when he teaches heresy by his own judgement or decretal. In truth, many Roman Pontiffs were heretics. The last of them was Pope John XXII (1316-34)".


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