Tips to find your missing cat! - Simon's Cat | LOGIC #17

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A cat (or any pet) going missing is an extremely stressful and anxious time. We hope the advice in this film helps people locate their pets quickly and safely!

Featuring: Simon Tofield & Nicky Trevorrow (Cats Protection)
Director: Chris Gavin
Art Director: Liza Nechaeva
Production Coordinator: Cathryn Gamble
Associate Producer: Edwin Eckford
Producer: Emma Burch

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My Cat was missing for three days too, I was searching everywhere. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep... I was so worried, it was just a nightmare. Felt so helpless with all the Thoughts of what might happened to her. After four days, it was late at night and i couldn't sleep (just dreamed of her an hour before and woke up and started heavely crying) suddenly i heard a miaowing under my Window. First i thought i'm still dreaming but then i realized it was real. I never got out of bed so fast! I opend the Door and there she came running up to me. Pure happieness on both sides. :) I'm not ashamed to say this is/was one of the best/happiest moments in my life. 🌌❤


My cat has been missing for a week already, I’ve been crying so much. I wish that he’s still out there alive, and he’ll come back soon. Watching this video and reading comments saying their cats returned makes me hopeful that he will return, too. I love my cat very much.


My cat is now missing! Please pray that he is okay... please!😭😭😢😢😢Im crying in tears

edit after 4 years: my cat was found a few days later after this comment was posted and he's doing okay:) (well maybe not found but he came back :'D)

for everyone whose cats are missing, don't worry, everything will be fine. <33


My one year old cat Dalai just came back home after 20 whole days of being missing. It was the lowest and darkest time of my life. I was crying and praying all the time, I was even telling all my friends to pray for Dalai's safe return. Even though I was broken I still had faith that he would somehow show up and he did.

Have faith you guys, and do the necessary things so that your fur babies can find their way back home.


Had a house fire 3 yrs ago...burnt the building to the ground..Sasha stayed alive by keeping her nose in the bathroom sink drain...(how smart was that, )...Ana got out and was missing 17 days...i went back everyday looking for her...she was a block and a half away in a strangers garage... i had soooo many people looking for her...signs everywhere....message is...DONT GIVE UP!!! I found her looking down at me from on top of the garage door. 💙💚💛💜


My cat was missing for 11 days and finally got home 2 weeks ago. Was one of the happiest moments for a long time.


Just found my cat after 11 days!! Im happy!! Never give up!!! Je was never outside but he did it. No scratch just a bit of a cold...hes so happy too! He went into a neighbor's basement/washroom...Oh my...


I lost my cat today I have been crying for hours and I am doing all of these hopefully he will return


My kitty went missing for 10 weeks! We had all but given up hope when he came walking back in through our back door like he was never gone. He’s 12 years old now and healthy as a horse.


One of my cats went missing and it took me 6 weeks to find her. But I did. Right around the corner... Hang in there. She was 5lbs and a messed up leg, but back home and she’s all mended now. It was a saga. Multiply Simons’s story by 10, including all the things I did that they mention. Sacrificed many T-shirts and towels to skunks I caught, and lost a lot of sleep. 6 weeks and 2 days. Don’t give up.


Reading the comments here gives me hope. Just recently my cat goes missing too.
We are on our 3rd day of search. I hope we can find him or he finds us.


My cat went missing two days ago and I’m so broken I don’t know what to do please pray she’s safe
UPDATE: I FOUND HER !! After three days I finally found her 😭😭😭😭 no one is even gonna see this but if you cat is lost DONT GIVE UP trust me look frequently and especially at night I found my kitty at 10pm shine a flashlight under cars and houses if you can their eyes WILL glow it was snowing here and my cat is totally fine cats are survivors so no matter the circumstances just don’t give up tell all your neighbors constantly look for them they’re probably not fat I promise you
I looked for my cat miles from house when really she was only a couple houses down my neighborhood 😭😭😭


I had a cat that went missing for 7 months. He had a collar with his name and the vet clinic number (because I lived alone) and some wonderful lady spent 3 weeks making friends with him, got his collar off and rang the vet.


My baby is just missing from 10 days.Nothing's left.I didn't find her.please pray she's OK.I'm broken!


Thank you for being there...I found my lost cat after almost 3 days .
When I was loosing hope ..This video kept my hope alive .
And finally I got her, it was a great joy 😊❤️
Thank you again ❤️..You guys are doing a great job 👏🏻


I've just found my cat!!! I'm soooo happy!! It took me 9 days to track him. I did everything you can imagine, I even talked to neighouring cats and asked them to tell my cat to come back home.
A neighbour found him in his garage today, and he immediately recognised him. He knew it was my cat, because I had spent the previous days talking to my neighbours and putting up posters everyehere. I left fliers in every house. It was really tiresome and stressful, I'm not very sociable, so it was quite a Challenge to go and talk to each of my neighbours. I just wanted to share with You my story, so that you don't lose hope if your cat is missing. Hope My English is clear enough.
Btw, I love your videos!


Once my Willy went missing for 4 days, I've checked everywhere, including roof, didn't sleep, I was quite desperate and on the fourth day after work I went to the police station, when I got home I found him on the flower pot in front of my house, he was dirty and starving, when I opened the door he rushed inside. To have a cat is always an adventure


Dude you and your cats rock! Took me 53 years to get my first cat. Now I have 2 and it's the best decision I ever made!


Please please please if you can, send positive thoughts that my cat comes home. I’m really worried about my cat


My cat went missing a few hours ago. I can't stop crying
