Unity VR Game Basics - PART 5 - XR Ray Interactor in 10 Minutes

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This video, we'll deep dive into the XR Ray Interactor!

You can download this Github project to follow along!

There is also a written tutorial found here.

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0:00 Intro
0:38 Scene Review
1:04 Making a XR Ray Interactor
2:18 Attributes of the XR Ray Interactor
5:27 Making a User Interface (UI) for VR
7:57 Specifying Rays for Different Interactions
8:30 Audio and Haptic Events
8:58 Outro

Music Credits
Floating by Smith The Mister Hey Yeah, by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister Smith The Mister
Free Download / Stream: [No Copyright Music] Floating by Smith The Mister · Hip Hop & Rap + Calm
Music promoted by Audio Library Floating – Smith The Mister (No Copyright Music)
Рекомендации по теме

I love it when everyone is distracted playing the hot new game (bo6). I know I'm outworking most people right now. Building a lead or catching up to someone who's ahead. People who are working on the same idea I have.


I think you have the best Unity tutorials for XR and Oculus Quest 2.


thanks for properly explaining thinks in xr management now know know better thanks a lots


Loving the tutorials, I have yet to finish them all but I was curious as to how we would go about keeping the raycast from picking up multiple objects. I assume maybe a bool to check if we are currently holding anything, or something of that nature.


I like the content- anything demystifying all the settings is worth it . Couldnt get my UI interaction to work. If I find out the solution ill post it in here.


hi dude, very precise tutorial....it worked like magic except that my rays cannt interact with any objects....line changes to white when they are on interactable objects and vanishes when away but i cannt interact with objects...what should i check?


Umm I am having a problem the left and right controllers are not in the camera offset


Why is my xr ray interactor flickering between an angle from the right controllers?


Hello, I have 2 questions if you could help me out. I’m trying to build a simple VR app for a demo my boss wants to make but I have 0 experience with this, I’ve just done vfx my whole life.

I was following a different tutorial and wanted to setup both hand tracking and controllers. The controllers worked fine but not the hand tracking after I setup the controller. So I don’t know how to make them both work, if you know what would possibly be interfering for that to happen.

And the second thing is about this tutorial, for some reason my “ray” goes downwards after an inch of getting out of my hand so I can’t reach anything with it. And it’s set to straight line and I also increased the distance because my scene was scaled up a lot to match a UI project I imported that I was working on a different PC.
Do you know why my Ray isn’t a Ray and more like a straight fall down, it’s almost like my Ray is being affected by gravity.

Thank you so much for the time


you are amazing thanks al lot please make more


don't do this for your world canvas, keep them at scale 1 and change the width and height instead (it is now in meters) it's much cleaner


hey i have a issue. my ray is interacting fine when i am on stationary ship but when i give speed to my ship and then interact with my UI in moving ship, ray gets shortened . i don't know why moving ship is causing my ray gets short.


Hey, my hands use device-based controller scripts, so i just didnt put the xr controller script on my gameobjects, but it wont work, idk if its needed, but how do i fix this?


Bro, my UI interactable is not working, although mh canvas had no problem and everything is same


How do I make the button clickable without the rays ?


i have a problem where if i push a button on the controller, which is used for something else, i sometimes activate some buttons in the UI, this is annoying


How to click on non ui objects with oculus controller?
