Dave Mariani(AtScale):BI on Hadoop

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Trying to make Hadoop work with your BI tools (Tableau, Excel, Qlik, MicroStrategy, Pentaho...etc?). Join this interactive session and find out how to make it work! Dave Mariani ran Yahoo! data pipelines and analytics teams at the time Hadoop was born. After Yahoo!, he went on to run engineering at Klout, where he managed a 200+ node cluster and Hive Data Warehouse of over one trillion rows. In this session , you will learn: The Gotchas of Big Data: What matters and what's a distraction OLAP on Hadoop: The best architectural options (ROLAP, MOLAP, in-memory) Data Warehouse Design: the benefits of schema on demand vs. schema on load Registered participants will get access to webinar recording on-demand.
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That was quite an impressive session! Could you please share the presentation slides as they weren't visible enough?
