Is this LBC’s best ever caller?

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Shelagh Fogarty could listen to caller Darren 'for hours', as he tells of his mentality around multiculturalism in Britain, shutting down fears over immigration as 'absolute nonsense' and adds that it has only 'enriched' his life.

Shelagh proclaimed the call 'the best call of my entire career', encouraging other to 'be more Darren'.

Aggressive protests have broken out across the UK this week following a stabbing attack in Southport which left three little girls dead and others critically injured, but the Southport community have condemned the violence displayed.

The riots were sparked after misinformation spread online - possibly orchestrated by Russian trolls - that the suspect in the killing was a Muslim asylum seeker.

Keir Starmer said on Thursday that he was launching a special unit to tackle the violent disorder, that would share information across forces and use facial recognition software to identify criminals.

#shelaghfogarty #southport #uk #crime #immigration #LBC

LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs in the UK.

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Darren, I'm a 33 yr black man, my parents immigrated here and growing up in this country was the best thing ever until the last 7 years. Your voice gave me hope that there are people that can see what the media is doing.

Thank you


I am a Black woman and I am in tears of gratitude inspiration and humility , What a wonderful human being who reminds us we are all together,


Also a 55 year old white, English man here.
I couldn't love this more.
This is what the working class in this country really stand for.
We back each other, regardless of race, creed, colour and religion.
Hope you read this, mate.


I’m a brown woman in Namibia and this made me cry. May the world be more like Darren’s World


Now THAT is a Patriot. And he speaks for THIS 59 year old Bald Bloke.


The true British patriot. The true British values. This is it.


Now this is a real British man, not like those cowards who destroyed Southport, terrific caller


I'm in California and I've always been impressed by the British people and culture. The UK is the best place in the world. Please do not let the haters win.


When a random stranger speaks for millions.


I was walking my fairly large but soppy dog the other day when a mother in a hijab passed with her children. One of the children was nervous of my pooch, the other clearly wanted to pet him. I calmly walked over and said my dog is fine and both children ended up stroking my dog. Got chatting to the young mother, commented on her very beautifully designed headscarf and asked about her heritage. She told me she was Afghan and fled the Taliban and whilst loved the UK felt a bit lonely as most people ignore or avoid her. I then said if you ever see me or my wife with the dog, come and say hello. Ended with as salam alaykum and she smiled and replied Alaikun Salaam. Can't imagine how difficult being a young mother alone in a new country must be and kindness knows no race or creed


Brilliant caller. I listened twice. As a black man who was born in this country, I’ve never really felt part of it. There was always an underlying feeling of not really being British because of how I was treated. Being around people like Darren would have changed that. I’m so glad he exists. Had me in tears and challenged me to be a better man in my community.


As a British born Pakistani woman working as a secondary school teacher, this man has won my heart and is the true essence of a British person. We are all proud to be British and love our country just as much as the average white person. We want our country to grow and prosper.. let’s carry on working together and hope for better days❤️


I'm a white bald 65yr old bloke, my heart swells with pride listening to this man . Absolutely fantastic caller


This guy made me cry as a black British woman born to Nigerian parents who one is a nurse and another a bio chemist in this country, I felt the realness from this man ❤


Finally, a man who speaks for the majority of this country couldn't have said it better myself


My Mum died very recently, and its been really hard as there are so many things to sort out.

I had her phone (latest iPhone) with loads of sentimental pictures on and lost it, and it wasnt locked. I had little hope of getting it back.

It was found in the street by a Muslim man who called me from her phone to tell me and held onto it for a few days.

When I went to pick it up, he offered my children fruits and sweets. What a lovely old gent.

We had a nice chat... He emigrated here from Egypt, and he was telling me about his grown children... A lawyer, a GP doctor, a police man and a nurse all in the UK.



I teared up listening to this caller. Real man right there, real patriot, real Englishman, real human being.


What a breath of fresh air this young 55 year old man is !


I'm a Muslim bloke born and raised in England... Thank you. We all need to be a bit more like this


I'm a black woman and I don't usually let this stuff get to me, but this time my heart is breaking. These ignorant rioters have no idea what they are doing to humanity. Darren's comments make me feel there is hope for us❤🙏🏾
