Ron Reeder Digs the Universe, ep 248: Welcoming Our New Insect Overlords

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We're all in for a surreal and dark awakening. Please share! Please subscribe!

#politics #culture #Trump #GOP #Republicans #fascism #fascist #moralcatastrophe #halfthenation #hateconstituency #Evangelical #racist #miogynist #hatetexts #womenareproperty #yourbodymychoice #Trumpsvengeance #EPA #CDC #NIH #DOJ #statedepartment #departmentofeducation #Ukraine #Palestine #Westerncivilization #25thamendment #JDVance #speakingtruthtopower
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I feel so old and ineffectual, Ron. I'm so sad - i couldn't even work last Wednesday. My sister - I suspect she voted for the evil one - tried to talk me out of it. I was casually suicidal if one can be that - I considered just stopping taking my meds which is guaranteed to make my exit much more swift. I awoke Thursday determined to fight however I can. Let's do this!
