Wild Rift Ranked is BROKEN and Here's Why

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When I was a beginner player I did love League of Legends: Wild Rift but as you progress through the Ranked Matching, it becomes more and more clear that the ranking system has very little to do with skill but rather time spent. The ranked mode has introduced something in beta called Galio's Aegis which protects your rank when you are on the losing team if you perform well. This should work in principle but in reality, it is incredibly easy to abuse at the expense of ruining the entire match for your 4 other team mates.
Galio's Aegis is just a band aid to try and make players happier with the completely broken matchmaking which is not focused on skill. What are your thoughts? The reviews of the game are so mixed mainly due to the terrible terrible matchmaking system that Wild Rift implements.
Everyone's experience playing ranked in Wild Rift will be different, this is what I have found. Of course let's not forget the important thing I missed. Have you tried to 'git gud?'.
#wildrift #wildriftranked #wildriftmatchmaking #galiosaegis
Why is Wild Rift's Matchmaking SO BROKEN? WATCH THIS
Galio's Aegis is just a band aid to try and make players happier with the completely broken matchmaking which is not focused on skill. What are your thoughts? The reviews of the game are so mixed mainly due to the terrible terrible matchmaking system that Wild Rift implements.
Everyone's experience playing ranked in Wild Rift will be different, this is what I have found. Of course let's not forget the important thing I missed. Have you tried to 'git gud?'.
#wildrift #wildriftranked #wildriftmatchmaking #galiosaegis
Why is Wild Rift's Matchmaking SO BROKEN? WATCH THIS