Wild Rift Ranked is BROKEN and Here's Why

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When I was a beginner player I did love League of Legends: Wild Rift but as you progress through the Ranked Matching, it becomes more and more clear that the ranking system has very little to do with skill but rather time spent. The ranked mode has introduced something in beta called Galio's Aegis which protects your rank when you are on the losing team if you perform well. This should work in principle but in reality, it is incredibly easy to abuse at the expense of ruining the entire match for your 4 other team mates.

Galio's Aegis is just a band aid to try and make players happier with the completely broken matchmaking which is not focused on skill. What are your thoughts? The reviews of the game are so mixed mainly due to the terrible terrible matchmaking system that Wild Rift implements.

Everyone's experience playing ranked in Wild Rift will be different, this is what I have found. Of course let's not forget the important thing I missed. Have you tried to 'git gud?'.

#wildrift #wildriftranked #wildriftmatchmaking #galiosaegis

Why is Wild Rift's Matchmaking SO BROKEN? WATCH THIS
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If you are as stupid as me and still want to play, add me and drop me a message on the game - Platbro #4868


There is no other competitive game (online or not) that rewards bad plays. And there shouldnt exist one. Wildrift should delete their rank system if thats how they'll continue to manage it, because it discourages competition. It's contradictory to have a competing mode and at the same time encourage bad players. They have a good system in LoL, why didnt they just port it to WR, idk.


Competetive integrity of wild rift is completely fucked. Ranks mean nothing when bad players share the same rank as good ones.


Matchmaking is absolutely TRASH in this game


I am a GM jungle player and I am still experiencing the same thing very frequently.

0 communication, taking roles that aren’t theirs without consent and toxic behaviours are incentivized since no matter how rude and bad of a player you are, elo system will make sure you stay at 50% win rate. People can be as bad as they can be and still climb through massive amount of matches. It just takes away the fun of the game and the true status of attaining a high rank.

Imagine just coming off work, load up the game wanting to relax while kicking some ass, and then these disgusting people show up and ruin the entire experience.

I wonder why this game has less and less people now.


There's only one middle solution to fix this.

Riot wants bad players to be mixed up with good players so they can learn the game. But good players can't climb in rank this way.

The only solution is to make climbing in rank based on player's performance in matches instead of being based on winning or losing.


can we please talk about how lame the ranked blind pick until you hit plat is


I am a support main and I play jungle almost every game despite hating the role to my core, due to 4 random players on the team with little to no game knowledge in mid elo.

One way you can tell someone has game knowledge is when they wait for their jungler to kill the buffs and not stealing the buff from their jungler.


Ex wild rift challenger here (season 9), no matter the elo, if there’s a teammate trying their best to make your team lose (Ex; blitz hooking jg camps so they can’t farm), it’s almost impossible to win, I agree. The thing is, the likelihood of this happening is very low and statistically it should happen more often to the enemy team than yours (if you even notice). My point is, if u just wanna have fun then yeah, this sucks, just report them and try to move on, but, if you’re goal is to reach a certain rank, then don’t let these games discourage you. As long as you keep focusing on improving, you’ll climb and that’s it, I don’t see the need to try these strategies deliberately losing games to climb? Just let those games be statistical anomalies.


I am in Emerald for last 2 seasons. Currently on this season, I easily get promoted to diamond. Then, I climb my way up to Master, now match making is actually the same with your experience. I easily got 5 marks, then it's all defeat down back to diamond. I carried every game, but one winning lane against four seams imposible.


I have quit and jumped back in a few times. Every time I come back after a long hiatus, the matchmaking is exactly the same. I get to Plat easily maining support (70-80%) getting good teammates. Once I get to Plat, like a switch, the matchmaking starts putting me with the worst teams against highly skilled opponents. It's honestly hilarious how winning and losing is largely controlled by the system. It decides when you have won enough and works against you.


The other day I told you I ranked to master with a potato, today I apologize because the game is literally against me


It’s gotten to the point where I feel like I’m being punished for being a good player while bad actors are continuously rewarded or are given a mere slap on the wrist. Their remake system is a joke and literally half of my games get approved player reports but they just get 26 champ score deduction (meanwhile, I lose more than that by actually trying in a full game).


I did an experiment to see if there was a sweet spot in terms of KDA where i get matched with good players. My main account i have a high KDA and im constantly matched with trash. I don't have it in me to have to carry every single game. It's not fun.

My other account has something like a 3 KDA and the quality of matches is far more superior. A lot more balanced on both sides.

It's obviously anecdotal.

It's not fun when the game forces you to either hard carry or be carried. Good players should never be punished. The system is broken.


Im a sovereign player playing since open beta, the game was P E R F E C T till the first 5 seasons, we had till then -10 +15 to bad players LP gains in Diamond, master+ was insanely
educational only good players would exist there, but because all this hardstuck people perma complained about this they changed it to marks and this useless matchmaking, even in master plus rn game is terrible we play with 1kda masters its just absurd, great video with great emphasis on the problem

*Ps if you were good u would get +15 - 10 it had to clearly do with ur total mmr


I reached master last season and man the beginning of that season was a hell in hell, no match was normal there will be either a troll, or a map hacker in enemy team. trying to climb is hard with people like these wishr it gets better but i don't think so with latest patches


I want to resonate what youre saying here. That poor matchmaking that you can get put into, its hapened to me before and in previous seasons it would "reset" until i performed really well and then near the end of the season i would again find myself in the "loser" queue. However last season and this season it didn't "reset. My matches have been absolutely TERRIBLE for more than an entire season now. Season before last, i made Master at a normal pace. Last season i was in emerald for THE ENTIRE SEASON. My matchmaking is so bad that i have lost friends on my friends list and others decline matches with me because they know my matches will have at least ine afk/griefer/inter.

I am NOT an amazing player but for solo q ADC i can do well provided everyone in the tram is doing the bare minimum. Bare. Minimum.

The thing that really bothers me is that Riot has All the information and stats on how people are playing. Matchmaking shouldn't ever be this way and ranking shouldn't be based on win/lose marks. Every role has a focus and ranking should be more based on individual performance. When you have two teams with similar performance are against each other the game makes more sense. Somply putting someone whos "winning more" on a team with people that are "winning less" is absurd.


11:17 Your can't think of Wild Rift ranks the same as League of Legends ranks. In Wild Rift not matter what you do, if you play enough you get to challenger. Obviously most people can't play 12 hours a day so if you play too bad you can't realistically achieve it, but in theory it's possible. Saw someone on reddit with 3k games in one season with horrible stats reached challenger. I understand that riot needs to make the game appealing to casuals, that's why the fortitude thing etc exists, so you will always sort of climb, but at the same time I feel it's frustrating that I cannot get into higher ranks with just 3 games played per day, because of the way matchmaking is designed in Wild Rift.


I've literally mained every role to see which gives me greater influence on the games that I win but regardless the harder and better you perform the worse teammates you get as a consequence. The only way to fix this is Inting Sion tbh


In low elo, the enemys is bots with fake "player names" and thats is the reason of the remove /All chat. You can see how they move, atack or etc. and in the "high and middle elo, have alot toxic and bad players"
