The CHANGE Is Coming... A New ERA | Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi

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The Inspire Change podcast and Jordan Mulligan travel around the world to find stories of inspiration and wisdom from all walks of life.

Shi Heng Yi is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany and belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin.

More insights and free Training instructions of Shifu Shi Heng Yi can be found on: ➡ Website:

If you find this podcast useful or are enjoying the published videos and content, you can support Master Shi Heng Yi by leaving a review on the Google-Site of the Shaolin Temple Europe here ➡

Director - Jordan Mulligan

Filmed By- Luke Mulligan

Filmed By- William Mulligan

Sound- Niamh Mulligan

Interviewer - Jordan Mulligan

Filmed and Produced By The Mulligan Brothers

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Yes, I feel the same. I think the pain and suffering we are witnessing is opening the heart of millions of people, and it hurts. It hurts because the "other" is my brother now and I feel his suffering, and one wants to protect, to care, to stop the cruelty, to reunite...This is the miracle side of this nightmare, the awakening of the heart of the humankind, precious and terrible moment.
Health Love and Freedom for the entire planet 🙏🏼


The old world forced upon us the idea that we have to be constantly doing things in order to feel worthy. This new world is about what are you being. This forces the people to focus on inner growth rather then outer appearance.


A tip.. for content like this, please don't interrupt with a sponsorship in the middle of the video. This is important content.


How could you put ads in such sincere and important message? The master said the new era will not be about money but love and virtues.


A change is comming
Im feeling the shift.
We are living in uncertain times based on fear and control .
Distraction after distraction .
Crisis after crisis .
The minority trying to debunk the core of humanity .
More than ever we have to remember what it is like to be human .
Compassion is the key ..


I withdrew from social media especially FB for 4 years now. It happened naturally. It hurts me to see people bashing on others, commenting based on fear. Also people who post things that make people feel insecure because maybe they themselves are insecure, they post things to receive validations. A big change is coming, and we need us to work together, not against each other. Due to knowing we are eternal light beings, we never die, we should not be afraid of physical deaths. Do everything you can to execute love and compassion. Do not harm others. Love yourself.


Those who know, know. It's all grace. Focus & Be the values you seek. Don't be distracted. Harmony, cooperation, Peace & Love in Singularity to All.


His words resonate with me so much, I get so emotional. I have been walking on the path of spirituality for a few years now and I always believed that there is more to our world and the whole universe than meets the eye. People talked about having this immense feeling of connection with life and the universe. I never did until the end of last year, the 11.11. of 2023 to be exact. I have to say that I have been suffering from depression, lack of self love for many years and other demons until I finally got my mental back to "normal".

But after that night things changed drastically and they are still changing. My whole perspective at life has changed, my motivation is through the roof and my mindset is so different. And sure, you might say the flip switched...yes, it did. And yet, there it was. That feeling. And somehow I knew and I felt it, so much love...unconditional love. The world is changing. WE are changing. And I hope for the better, because there is so much potential and it would be a shame to waste it.

Time to wake up. Time to take action. Thank you for the video. And thank you Shifu Shi Heng Yi.


Thank You Shi Heng Yi. I feel the same. I have felt a shift in myself. My practice is to show love, compassion and understanding to those who come into my life and those who's path I cross. The energy of love shown to others - mirrors to them who they really are whether they know it or not. And if I am demonstrating anything other than love, it is a false representation of who I am. Be at Peace and practice not being disturbed inside by what is happening outside.


Most profound and powerful talk that I have heard from Shi Heng Yi. I listen to this one over and over to catch the subtleties


So grateful for your wisdom Master Shi Heng Yi and Jordan for sharing this wonderful wisdom. We are at a fascinating time of awakening and applying these tools for advancement and helping humanity. Who am I really? Who makes me who I am? 🤗🙏🙌👏🕊️🌎💃🕺 Blessings, hope, love, light 🕯️ and hugs 🤗 😘to you and all listening here.


How can you interrupt a profound message like this with a frickin' ad?? Put your ads at the beginning or end. This is terribly disrespectful. NEVER treat a master that way, or anyone whose message you deem worthy of being shared with the world.


I am ready for a world without darkness and evil. I am sick of this world of evil.


My spiritual journey has brought me to this point and your guidance resonates deeply. Thank you 🙏💖 I feel as we have been guided to go within and work on self that we are watching a movie on outside. Meanwhile we are being shown corruption in many areas as they are being dismantled.Beautiful days ahead 💖


We are beginning to transmute pain at such a level that no matter what happens to us, the people, we ain’t gonna forget our own healing ever again. We are witnessing the strength of our knowing grow in real time. Truly grateful to experience this with you all🖤


Yep, we have to switch from egoic, judgemental mind, to more inclusive, compassionate one.
Big thanks to both of you for work you're doing to spread this message!
I wish you all the best!


Every respected spiritual leader are saying this same thing. I definitely know and feel it to. Its what the world needs. I can't wait.


All my life I read a lot of books about life energy and the spiritual path. I tried to find mine. Some time ago I developed healing abilities and everything is falling into place. With each new solar flare, my vibration is higher and I see even more around the corner. We're going up. Love to all.🌟💛💜


❤❤❤ master's communication skills honestly presently surprises me every time. He makes things very easy to understand.
