FFXIV Arcadion M2 Savage First Clear | M2S Sage POV

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This is my first clear of the FFXIV Arcadion fight AAC Light - Heavyweight M2 (Savage), a.k.a. M2S - Honey B. Lovely. I'm shot calling for my static, on my Sage, but I forgot to record our 1st clear of M1S, so I'll just record our reclear, maybe with voice coms, too.

I hope you enjoy :)

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This is my first clear of the fight AAC Light - Heavyweight M2 (Savage), a.k.a. M2S.
I forgot to record our 1st clear of M1S, so I'll just record our reclear, in a couple of days, maybe with voice coms too, and upload it.


Appreciate the video. I play sage myself and just wanted to see a sage PoV for when I start trying this fight in the next day or two. Looks like all the mechanics are pretty doable, though that dps check is definitely tighter than M1S.


Can i know the mod u are using to see when u can move without interrupt the cast? tysm
