A Decade of DACA
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For 10 years, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has protected hundreds of thousands of undocumented young immigrants from deportation — allowing them to pursue their careers, meet their educational goals, and contribute more fully to their communities in the only place they have called home. However, even as DACA continues to be a lifeline to immigrant youth, the hard truth is that DACA is not – and never was – a replacement for a permanent solution. The same people whose stories have been changed by DACA are also living with the constant uncertainty of knowing that the best DACA can offer is temporary protection. Living life in two-year increments destabilizes our communities and blocks people from being able to fulfill their fullest potential.
It’s past time for Congress to establish permanent protections for immigrant youth.
It’s past time for Congress to establish permanent protections for immigrant youth.