London Handover To Rio (Raising Of The Flags) - Closing Ceremony | London 2012 Olympics

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The ceremonial raising of the flags takes place at the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games as London hands over to Rio.

Every two years, the world's finest athletes gather at the Olympic Games - a spectacular celebration of sporting excellence that captures the attention of billions of people around the world. However, the Games are about much more than just sport. They bring the Olympic values to life and provide a global arena for a unique combination of sport, culture, education and ceremonies.

At the Olympic Games in London 2012, about 10,500 athletes from 204 countries compete in 26 different sports, comprising 302 medal events. Whether athletes win a medal or not, they can forever call themselves Olympians. The sporting competitions are undoubtedly the central focus of the Olympic Games and participating in the Games is the ultimate goal for most athletes.

Every edition has its own story to tell and will be remembered for some truly remarkable performances from sporting legends such as Jesse Owens, Abebe Bikila, Jean-Claude Killy, Nadia Comaneci, Katarina Witt, Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt, to name just a few.

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Brazil know how to throw a party, i know the opening will be like carnaval. good luck brazil, love from Philippines


Eu lembro até hoje do pessoal criticando a apresentação do Brasil e dizendo que iria ser uma vergonha as olimpíadas aqui, quebraram a cara bonito


nem parecia q um dia a gnt chegaria num 2020 tão dark


Que hermoso es recordar así a nuestro Pelé, orgullo de Sudamérica ❤️. Brasil, país hermano 🇵🇪🇧🇷


O momento em que o Pelé entra é tão emocionante. Descanse em paz Rei Pelé, sua história será sempre lembrada! 🥀🖤 rest in peace King Pelé 👑


Nossa toda vez que começo a desacreditar no Brasil eu assisto esses enceramentos e o amor volta em dobro!!!💖


O quão significativo é eles cantarem aquele abraço em Londres, sendo q o Gilberto Gil escreveu quando estava em exílio em Londres lembrando do Riob🥺🥺🥺


Went to Brasil for the world cup and man had a BLAST... Can't wait to return to Rio .. for the Olympics (god willing).... And made so many friends from Cariocas to Paulista .... I speak to them everyday... Can't wait to feel the embrace of Brasil again.... força Brasil


Em pleno 2022 eu aqui revivendo esse momento único do encerramento das Olimpiadas de Londres mostrando o que o Brasil tem de bom... Estou emocionada aqui... Saudades


Haters, me desculpem mas isso foi lindo! Me sinto orgulhoso demais cada vez que assisto. O Sorriso representa muito bem o brasileiro, o anfitrião humilde mas simpático, aquele que serve cafezinho pra receber bem a visita. É samba, é iemanjá, é Villa Lobos, maracatu, indios, capoeira, concretismo. Brasil é isso mesmo. Espero que a abertura das Olimpíadas mantenha ou supere esse nível, mostrando os clichês que os gringos esperam misturado com as coisas lindas que eles ainda não conhecem, celebrando com alegria o povo brasileiro.


Assistindo depois da cerimônia da França... prefiro o meu Brasil 💛


Some musical references for those interested (updated, thanks to commenters below):

It's important to say that most excerpts were remixed and interwoven into a continuous track, so don't bother trying to find these exact versions (unless they have been released and I'm not aware)

7:08 - Excerpts of typical samba music, more specifically the one performed by the "samba schools" during Carnival parades in Rio.

8:32 - Marisa Monte (the woman on the moving cart, and a hugely successful singer/songwriter in Brazil) sings an excerpt from Villa Lobos' Bachianas Brasileiras Nº 5. Her outfit refers to Iemanjá, one of the most revered deities of Umbanda, a religion of African origins that's very present in Brazil.

9:40 - Excerpt of the Tiwamaraka chant from the Asurini tribe (from the Northern state of Tocantins)

10:21 - Excerpt of typical maracatu music.

10:50 - Singer and rapper B Negão sings an excerpt from Jorge Mautner's "Maracatu Atômico", as a homage to the late singer Chico Science, who himself made a successful version of the song in the 90's, with his band Nação Zumbi.

11:33 - Excerpt of typical capoeira music.

11:47 - Seu Jorge (successful singer/songwriter) sings an excerpt from Wilson Simonal's "Nem Vem Que Não Tem".

13:15 - Excerpt of a melody from Clara Nunes' "Canto das Três Raças". Nunes was a famous Brazilian singer in the 70's.

14:07 - Marisa and Seu Jorge sing "Aquele Abraço" ("a warm embrace"), by Gilberto Gil. Curiously the song was written by Gil in the 70's as a homage to Brazil, on the eve of his departure due to political exile. His destination: London.


I cried watching this and I'm not even Brazilian. Seeing how high and amazing the Brazilian people have arisen is amazing. Now it's only time for the first African country to host the Olympics.


SEMPRE choro assistindo esse vídeo! Brasil 💛💚💙


Quando vejo isso, me emociono e penso em tudo que o Brasil poderia ser...


A parte dos índios, os mais brasileiríssimos, foi sublime! Tomara que dê tudo certo.
Saudações Tupiniquins e Feliz Brasil para todos!


Hoje teve a abertura das olimpíadas de Tokyo, muita tecnologia e luzes mas nada se compara a alegria brasileira!


london's atmosphere was so dark while rio is very festive and colorful.


Por isso amo esses jogos que unem o mundo!
hino do Brasil tocado na Inglaterra e super aplaudido... 😍😍💛💚👏👏👏👏👏


Mano na hora que o Pelé aparece é sensacional.
