Why Russians Drink So Much

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Russia and vodka are mentioned together so often that it's not even funny anymore. And there's a reason for that - Russia really has a really deep connection with alcohol. And really serious problems because of it. This video was inspired by @Kraut and his "How vodka ruined Russia". It was pretty good, but still left out some key details, so I'm here to take you on a journey through a thousand years of history. The shared history of Russia and alcohol.
00:00 - Introduction
01:39 - Alcohol in Ancient Rus
05:02 - Vodka in Russian Empire
11:31 - USSR alcohol problems
Alcohol has been known in Russia for more than a thousand years. Old Russian chronicles mention about 7 different kinds of alcoholic beverages. It is believed that Russia even selected a religion only from among those that did not prohibit alcohol. However, upon closer examination it turns out that all these drinks in Russia were low alcohol, and people of Russia did not know about vodka until the 17th century. So how is it that the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and modern Russia began to have such big problems with alcohol? The greed of the rulers of Russia - Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and then all their descendants - is to blame. They created a state system of drinking establishments, which allowed them to constantly fill the state treasury with gold at the cost of the health of its people. It was only Nicholas II, just before World War I, who decided to abolish this flawed system - and paid for it with his life. The Soviets came to power, but they were not able to do anything about the problem either, no bans or propaganda films helped. Only in recent years the situation with alcohol consumption in Russia is beginning to improve, maybe we can finally get rid of this terrible habit.
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Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life.
Some sources and additional articles to read about the topic:
Родионов Б.В.. История русских крепких питей. Книга-справочник по основным вопросам истории винокурения. Олимп-Бизнес, Москва, 2017: 256с. 978-5-9909050-0-9
Романович Н. А. "Алкоголь в России: мифы общественного мнения и реальность" Социологический журнал, no. 3, 2015, pp. 63-87.
Быкова, А. Г. (2009). Образ жизни и потребление алкогольных напитков населением Российской империи во второй половине XIX начале ХХ вв. Омский научный вестник, (5 (81)), 61-63.
Forsyth, Mark. A Short History of Drunkenness. , 2017. Print.
Долгих Елена Валерьевна. "К истории повседневности: очерк потребления спиртных напитков в России (конец XV В. - 1936 г. )" Вестник Московского университета. Серия 8. История, no. 5-6, 2015, pp. 14-63.
Н. Тяпугин. Народные заблуждения и научная правда об алкоголе. Наркомздрав, Москва, 1926
Neufeld, M., & Rehm, J. (2013). Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in Russia since 2000: Are there any Changes Following the Alcohol Policy Changes Starting in 2006? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48(2), 222–230. doi:10.1093/alcalc/ags134
00:00 - Introduction
01:39 - Alcohol in Ancient Rus
05:02 - Vodka in Russian Empire
11:31 - USSR alcohol problems
Alcohol has been known in Russia for more than a thousand years. Old Russian chronicles mention about 7 different kinds of alcoholic beverages. It is believed that Russia even selected a religion only from among those that did not prohibit alcohol. However, upon closer examination it turns out that all these drinks in Russia were low alcohol, and people of Russia did not know about vodka until the 17th century. So how is it that the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and modern Russia began to have such big problems with alcohol? The greed of the rulers of Russia - Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and then all their descendants - is to blame. They created a state system of drinking establishments, which allowed them to constantly fill the state treasury with gold at the cost of the health of its people. It was only Nicholas II, just before World War I, who decided to abolish this flawed system - and paid for it with his life. The Soviets came to power, but they were not able to do anything about the problem either, no bans or propaganda films helped. Only in recent years the situation with alcohol consumption in Russia is beginning to improve, maybe we can finally get rid of this terrible habit.
If you'd like to support the channel:
🪙 BTC - bc1qh8szz62crxu9ylg2jx9dz3t6vzzjdw2rheft2m
🪙 ETH - 0x19F11A86adf1ec4DDebEC0f27982805B1d1aba67
🪙 USDT (TRC20) - TYG76yndvrDD8WM9TtkBGauT7682esKZfu
Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life.
Some sources and additional articles to read about the topic:
Родионов Б.В.. История русских крепких питей. Книга-справочник по основным вопросам истории винокурения. Олимп-Бизнес, Москва, 2017: 256с. 978-5-9909050-0-9
Романович Н. А. "Алкоголь в России: мифы общественного мнения и реальность" Социологический журнал, no. 3, 2015, pp. 63-87.
Быкова, А. Г. (2009). Образ жизни и потребление алкогольных напитков населением Российской империи во второй половине XIX начале ХХ вв. Омский научный вестник, (5 (81)), 61-63.
Forsyth, Mark. A Short History of Drunkenness. , 2017. Print.
Долгих Елена Валерьевна. "К истории повседневности: очерк потребления спиртных напитков в России (конец XV В. - 1936 г. )" Вестник Московского университета. Серия 8. История, no. 5-6, 2015, pp. 14-63.
Н. Тяпугин. Народные заблуждения и научная правда об алкоголе. Наркомздрав, Москва, 1926
Neufeld, M., & Rehm, J. (2013). Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in Russia since 2000: Are there any Changes Following the Alcohol Policy Changes Starting in 2006? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48(2), 222–230. doi:10.1093/alcalc/ags134