how can convert gridded images to matrix data with MATLAB?
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In this video, I will show you how to save a gridded image as a matrix in Matlab software, then I will plot it.
clear ; close all ; clc
figure('Color','w') ; imshow(I)
G = double(rgb2gray(I))/255 ;
% imshow(G)
for i = 0 : 49
for j = 0 : 49
M(i+1,j+1) = G(round(49+i*18.08),round(84+j*17.28)) ;
N = zeros(51,51) ; N(1:50,1:50) = M(1:50,1:50) ;
% figure ; S = imagesc(M) ; colormap('gray') ;
% figure ; Ax1 = axes ; surf(N) ; view(0,90) ; colormap('gray') ; axis('tight') ; Ax1.YDir = 'reverse' ; Ax1.XTick = [] ; Ax1.YTick = [] ;
figure('Color','w') ; Ax2 = axes ; pcolor(N) ; colormap('gray') ; Ax2.YDir = 'reverse' ; Ax2.XTick = [] ; Ax2.YTick = [] ;
For more details, refer to the Telegram channel:
clear ; close all ; clc
figure('Color','w') ; imshow(I)
G = double(rgb2gray(I))/255 ;
% imshow(G)
for i = 0 : 49
for j = 0 : 49
M(i+1,j+1) = G(round(49+i*18.08),round(84+j*17.28)) ;
N = zeros(51,51) ; N(1:50,1:50) = M(1:50,1:50) ;
% figure ; S = imagesc(M) ; colormap('gray') ;
% figure ; Ax1 = axes ; surf(N) ; view(0,90) ; colormap('gray') ; axis('tight') ; Ax1.YDir = 'reverse' ; Ax1.XTick = [] ; Ax1.YTick = [] ;
figure('Color','w') ; Ax2 = axes ; pcolor(N) ; colormap('gray') ; Ax2.YDir = 'reverse' ; Ax2.XTick = [] ; Ax2.YTick = [] ;
For more details, refer to the Telegram channel: