Feeling better now, what stress does to us as we get older.

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Hi Nigella! So glad you are feeling better. Love your sense of humor and the fact that you can laugh at yourself! I agree the weather can make or break your day! 😉


You should set up a paypal or something like that because I'm sure some of us would shoot over a tip, however small or large the amount to help out with the clean up! You could pop the link in the description of each video in case anyone wants to. :)


So happy to see you feeling much better. You look lovely, by the way. You've been through a lot and it leaves its mark. So glad you're on the mend, Lily is so loving bless her, such a great dog. Keep plodding on you're doing well. Look after yourself, sending love.
All the best to you


So glad you are feeling better, that is great news!
I gotta say, purple is your color, you look stunning in that color.
Summer has never been my favorite season. Love fall, winter and spring. Summer here in Montana means constant fires. For those of us that are no longer spring chickens, we cannot even go outside because of the smoke and hazardous air.
That is so funny about the chickens, I got a chuckle out of that. Take care ❤️


You look great glad you’re feeling better. Missed your videos.


You look so much better, I knew you'd come around! Yes it helps when you have a word of encouragement! Take ❤ care!!!


Lori glad you're feeling better it's nice to see a video from you. I know what it's like to outsource the projects around the house, but it sure saves wear and tear on the body, and the projects get done faster..lol. In reality it's sometimes hard to ask for help, especially having done it yourself before this. Take care be safe😊


I m so happy seeing you feeling better and smiling again . 😄😄


how beautiful and serene you look here, i just need to be around people with your demeanour. i showed my mom your channel and she was very pleased- showed her how it's possible to download videos on the youtube app, and how it's like listening to a family member, the way you speak and how interesting and often very wise it is.
it is very grounding and healing to listen to someone like you who clearly tried to live life well and honestly and remain interested in teaching others! my mom loved your videos on 'taking time out for you' (you did two or three) especially.


Hi Lori, It is good to see you are recovering. You look beautiful 🌸. You are lucky to live where there is so much sunshine, here in Illinois this week we only have one day of sunshine. It is good we can be here for each other. I think I will hire someone to help with lawn work also. I am 60, but with my lungs being so sensitive right now, the yard work could set me off. Also, you are right stress does take a toll, when something really stress me out I can hardly breathe. Keep telling yourself yourself that you are healing, that is what I am saying to myself. Have a great day 🤗😘🌸


I'm so glad to see you and that you are feeling better. 😊


Also, one more thing I was reading a book lately and it said when you are feeling down that you need to eat more protein. I am trying to do that and drink a little protein shake when I.i feel that way. I don’t really like to eat meat so I am trying to this.


Will you make a video on the soup next time you make it?
