North West’s Lion King Debut

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All those other kids who auditioned, were robbed of their opportunity....the Kardashians are a sick family


The Lion King show is always known for its various animal/tribal aspects in costume. And she really went out there singing in a hoodie?? And fuzzy slippers 🤦‍♂️


North has plenty to say about other people. If she can’t take the heat, she needs to get out of the kitchen. Kids shouldn’t be on social media anyway.


Sadly she took another person opportunity


Take note that while singing you have to interact with other performers which the kid didnt do


The people who didn't say NO to the Kardashians are to blame for this atrocity.


Thank you for actually comparing nw’s performance with the audition tapes (or at least one good one). That boy has such great energy and an amazing voice!! I hope those children who didn’t get the opportunity this time will get extremely successful later on. They deserve it😌


Look at the boy in this video, actually singing in key 😮


Thank you for pointing out that the blame for this does NOT lie with North. Personally, I place the blame squarely on Disney here. People paid big bucks for these tickets and ultimately got the equivalent of an elementary school play performance from North. 😕 Even her "costume" was basically just a pair of PJs, complete with the fuzzy slippers.

It reminds me of a little while ago when Blue Ivy was brought on stage as a backup dancer by Beyoncé. To be honest, she was _bad;_ lackluster, no energy, and completely brought down the whole performance because Beyoncé had this child _front and center._ And saying she is a "child" doesn't really cut it, because there are kid dancers out there who are _younger_ than Blue who can THROW DOWN... just like there are child performers out there _younger_ than North who can bring down the house singing. Neither of these girls has talent in the areas that they are trying to push into. The sad thing is, I'm sure that they are talented in other areas and have other interests as well, but because of who their parents are, they will be nudged and encouraged to follow in those footsteps, and none of the "yes" men around them will tell them truthfully how bad they are. ☹️


😳 The only one who didn’t know she was bad was North West. This is a bad precedent for the industry. It’s really upsetting for all the kids who worked so hard for this moment.


You want to be in the spotlight you have every right to be criticized.


That poor girl is just being used as an accessory by her Mother. You can see she's so uncomfortable.


I'm sorry. I don't blame this child. It's not her fault. It's her parents' fault. It's the publicity seeking producers' fault. There are kids who are working incredibly hard to get a part like this. This was a slap in the face to those who worked hard. That costume was also a slap in the face to the costume designer. This was absolutely wrong. If North should see this, know that this is not a criticism of you. I'm sure in time you could become a great performer if you work hard. Best wishes to you.


This is so embarrassing and I can’t believe K and Ye put her out there like that. The fault lies with them and whoever is in charge of allowing this to happen. It was clearly and painfully obvious her role was bought. Why would they do this to a child? Because they don’t care it’s all about them and look at me me me and my kid. “Cringe”


I’m sorry I’m not bullying but she should know right and wrong and this is wrong when kids train their whole lives to be in her spot kids with talent she’s the same age as my bro but he knows the difference from right to wrong she should know other kids are acting their hearts out in auditions and hard work should pay off she’s most likely wanting to be famous like daddy and mommy without hard work Kim and Kanye are garbage humans and parents for not having her already know daddy and mommy can’t just wave a wand and make her have talent and be famous 😢


I don’t think most people are blaming her, but her mom. A shame the talented kids who tried out didn’t get a fair chance.


I agree with you on every point. The parents and the producers deserve the blame.


I don't see Kim Kardashian waiting outside with her daughter in a long-ass line for hours just to get inside to audition and if lucky enough get calls back that's what average people have to doand the kids are also getting paid for these what gives Kim Kardashian to pull string and to pay them off to get her daughter the parts she has all the money in the worldthese kids don't got rich famous parents they got to pray and finger crossed their talent what get them their parts she's teaching Northwest if you want something your pocketbooks have to be to buy your way in ✌️


Kanye ain’t have nothing to do with this!!!! This got K I M all over it


Kanye just tryna advertise his lion collection.
