Top 10 Board Games of 2024... So Far!

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Welcome to Foster the Meeple, a channel dedicated to board games and all board gamey things! Join us as we chat about our favourite board games of 2024 so far!

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00:00 - Intro
02:07 - Honourable mentions
05:55 - 10
10:49 - 9
14:00 - 8
16:27 - 7
18:55 - 6
20:24 - 5
22:50 - 4
24:38 - 3
25:09 - 2
34:16 - 1
39:58 - Wrap Up
41:46 - A Little Bit Extra

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Things I want to do in my life, play over 300 different games in just over half a year.
Things I never want to do, pick 10 of them as favorites.


“Calm down comment section” had me laughing. I so feel that.


I came to see where ARCS was going to rank. I was not disappointed with your choices. Best of the year and currently my favorite game of all my collection. straight fire


Leaping Lemmings, Dice Town, Mechs vs Minions, and Harmonies, are four games that I own and really enjoyed. Glad to see these on your list. Great video like always! Love this channel!!!


Really cool that you cover those "lesser" known game. I really want to try Arcs now... It looks fantastic.


Good to see Dice Town on the list… one of Bruno’s under appreciated gems!


Halls of Hegra is probably my favorite play of the year. I have no idea how to win, but it’s so dang good. I rated it a 9.5 and may move it to a 10 when I play more!


You guys always have such unique picks, it's hard not to have an amazon tab open while I'm watching your videos. ;) And I think y'all have sold me on Dice town. I've debated getting it for far too long!


Glad you enjoyed Flip Ships! I'll be at Gen Con and will say hi!


We really like Hegemony too and how it captures the actual sociecty in a board game, a very good game.👌🏽 We've played it at all different player counts (2, 3 and 4) and even though we like it a 2, we think it really shines at 4 players as all the classes are in play and it's really interesting to see the interactions between the different parties😄


We just filmed ours last night. Trying to get it edited but Canva won’t download it so have to figure something out now.


My favorite new game this year has been Obsession on BGA- now I am dying for a hard copy. Twilight Inscription was a positive surprise, and I’ve played a number of times solo.

War of the Ring was a tough learn- watching an entire playthru really helped!


I backed the UK campaign for Operation Barclay on your previous recommendation, and I'm so excited for its release. I'm not usually a big war game fan but the artwork is so cool, (it reminds me of old political cartoons you'd find in 1910's-40's Newpapers)- and I love the idea of it having that heavy deduction element. I wasn't sure whether or not to pre-order Arcs- but I think this has sold me on it!


Not sure if you guys have played it but LaGranja is a game I played the first time this year.
I purchased the deluxe edition and boy is it nice!!
Hand management ✔️
Multi-use cards ✔️
Resource management ✔️
Contract fulfillment ✔️
Tad bit of area majority ✔️
LOTS of modules to mix up gameplay ✔️


I feel like I'm repeating myself but I just love your videos. And this one is no difference. I could listen to you talking about board games all day.

My favorite games from your lists are Distilled (which I own and have played) and War of the Ring (which I really want to play since Lord of the Rings is at least one of my top 3 franchises if not THE one favorite). I'm also curious about Arcs in a way. I want to see what the hype is about and I love the theme.

My favorite games that I have played this year are:

#3 Fromage
#2 Distilled
#1 Dog Park - seriously, I'm kind of obsessed with this game. It is so relaxing to me. I definitely want to get it and all of the (mini-)expansions this year at Essen Spiel if I can find them there.


Raising Robots is a Wingspan-killer. Thematic game, with assymetrical abilities. More player agency for resource gathering, better player interaction; but most of all, the amount of playtime for the complexity it brings. The game is ingenious for having simultaneous play as an engine builder. We've knocked out 4 player games in 60 minutes, and so we're able to play it more.


Let’s see-favorite games new to me this year 1.)Cartographers 2.)Sea Salt and Paper 3.)Faraway and 4.) Wizards of the Grimoire


Hegemony, after 1 play at 4 players became my #1. Sounds insane, but it really is the best experience I have ever had. The asymmetry is incredible.


Nice list, although I only played Harmonies 😅 (and would like to add it to our collection, but it's sold out everywhere so waiting for the reprint). Interested to play Distilled and Raising Robots. And maybe Arcs since you mentioned there it would play good at 2 players. Actually that really helps and adds a lot if you mention the numbers of players in your videos you think is best to play a game with. We only play our games at 2 players. And it seems you also do that, but also play a lot with others. And you play so many games we haven't played yet or know and of course always looking for new good games. 😁


You probably won't care but Mechs v Minions is a League of Legends game! Will definitely even be more enjoyable for those that know the universe. Great list!
