Talking about the Weather | How to Describe the Weather in English

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Learn adverbs of frequency, modifiers, adjectives, comparative and superlatives, and the present simple in this lesson about the weather.

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Cindy: I love spring. What’s the weather like in Japan in spring, Takashi?

Takashi: It’s really nice. It’s sunny and warm. Sometimes it rains, but the sky is usually clear and blue. It’s my favorite season because everything feels so fresh.

Cindy: Wow, that sounds nice. How about summer?

Takashi: Summer is hot. I like hot weather, but in Japan summer is too humid! I prefer to stay inside and use the air conditioning.

Cindy: That sounds different from summer in the U.K. What’s Autumn like in Japan?

Takashi: It’s better than summer, because it’s cooler. The air is fresh and it’s often quite windy.

Cindy: And how about winter?

Takashi: Winter is really cold and very dry. Sometimes, it snows, too. In the northern parts of Japan, there is often a lot of snow.


What's your favorite season?
Describe your favorite season.
What activities are popular in your favorite season?
