Advanced Tips in Palia - Best Time To Farm Renown & Best Farm Layout+Animation Canceling? [Outdated]

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If you have any other tips, please share them!

[Outro Music]
Artist: LXST
Song Name: Exhausted

Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:17 Villagers gather at 5 PM
01:20 Zeki Lucky Coin
01:48 Toggle Sprint!!!
02:27 Quick Tips
02:59 Farming Tips
04:20 Efficient Lazy Farming Layout
05:17 Palia Interactive Map
05:47 Contribution of Items
06:28 Animation Cancelling
09:32 Outro
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I will only be hearting a bunch of tips that you guys share to help other people find them more easily! (I'll also be replying to a lot of comments too so don't feel pressured to reply back (because I know I do))


I have never used the teleport to different areas. I just run. Like a caveman.


you dont need to get gardening to 10 for the seeds, badruu gives berry bush seeds for his level 3 quests and naio gives apple tree seeds for his


My tip: Have fun, be happy. This is a game, not a job. Don't take things too seriously. Don't optimize things too much to the point of stress.


It's been a few months, so here's some more tips:

1. Potato isn't the only crop with a watering bonus. Use cabbage in the "any" spaces for extra watering boost!

2. The compasses don't work nearly as well as your fellow players when searching for palium, flow trees, or magical creatures. Team up!

3. Make sure to check chat for flow tree Grove spottings at midnight in the game and reply "omw" so the team will wait to chop.

4. Silk thread is super hard to find unless you love bug catching. Use a lure (or ask a friend) to get more thread. Tish also sells silk from the till in the furniture shop.

5. You can't request an item that hasn't been in your inventory at least once! Find it before asking.


A couple tips (sorry if they are a bit easy):

1. Get all the treasure chests you can find (the official wiki has info on locations). Some of them need a glider to reach, but you will explore areas that are hard to get to and some free resources inside (or sometimes wallpapers or flooring). The chests can be used as decor or gifted to Tish.

2. Einar is always glad to receive shiny pebbles from you!

3. Some cooking recipes require you to fish them out or find them in the world.

4. You might find it easier to go to the blacksmith and pay to repair tools than use repair kits. The cash register there also sells things like metal bars and wooden planks.


the potato tomato pause potato tomato sent me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Id consider myself an advanced player at approximately over 80h of playtime. Even I learned something new from this video. Thanks for your effort to find the advanced tips instead of repeating the "easy to get" ones 😊


You should never let tools downgrade. It's super easy to repair them


You can get a free floor pattern by making a friend 'editor', the first time. You can change it right back to visitor. I like hitting people around noon, more running but Hassian and Auni are by the windmills, The farm family is all home, and most people are at work in the village. You can tag flow trees to get credit, even if you stand around while others chop it down later. Clear the nodes you know that will spawn palium, if you leave them, they'll stay stone. I do it as an act of kindness. Works to spawn trees also, if you clear cut an area, you'll force more flow tree to spawn. We made a half dozen spawn in one spot the other night in our instance doing this hehe. Hope everyone is having fun!


LMAO That Potato-Tomato Cut was Hilarious!! TY 4 the Vid.😂


Actually, you don't need to contribute with ingredients to get a share of the food when cooking with friends, it's enough if you help out with mincing or kneading or something active in the task. I've done it before with a friend.


great tips, thank you! Didn't realize tamala could be found there everyday, I've been taking the LONG trek to her house daily to interact so you just saved me so much time lol


That Zeki coin tip! game changer! Thank you!


For anyone struggling with the timing of the animation cancelling for tools you can put a reticule on in the settings and as soon as the reticule shows up click again :) (love the map by the way thanks for showing me that been struggling with the fairy mantis for 2 days now, should help me a great deal :D)


So the best tip of all... The sprint toggle O.O THANK YOOOUUU!


Omg I never knew about the interactive map website! That's incredibly helpful thank u for all these tips


You can place down 8 additional chests on your second slot (plot of land) and they will count towards the overall storage space. Switch back to your default slot after placing them and enjoy the additional cheap storage space


Great video!! Quick and no blah blah is super appreciated.


I only started playing yesterday and had no clue about the lucky coin! Thanks for the great tips!
