100% Proof Muhammad Was a False Prophet

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Muslims claim that Muhammad was a prophet and that the Quran was from God. But there is zero evidence for this. In fact the Quran and the Islamic Hadiths actually prove that Muhammad was a false prophet who died the death of a false prophet as described in the Quran. Muhammad said that if he was fabricating the Quran, Allah would take hold of him and cut off his aorta. That is exactly how Muhammad described his own death in the Quran. He was poised and the poison, according to he won description, cut his aorta. This proves that he made up the revelations on the Quran and that he was not a true prophet at all. Furthermore, Muhammad said that Adjwa Dates can counteract the effects of poison if you have them in the morning. He also said that a certain family could do incantations to ward off the effects of poison. But none of that worked for Muhammad.
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