100% Proof Muhammad Was a False Prophet

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Muslims claim that Muhammad was a prophet and that the Quran was from God. But there is zero evidence for this. In fact the Quran and the Islamic Hadiths actually prove that Muhammad was a false prophet who died the death of a false prophet as described in the Quran. Muhammad said that if he was fabricating the Quran, Allah would take hold of him and cut off his aorta. That is exactly how Muhammad described his own death in the Quran. He was poised and the poison, according to he won description, cut his aorta. This proves that he made up the revelations on the Quran and that he was not a true prophet at all. Furthermore, Muhammad said that Adjwa Dates can counteract the effects of poison if you have them in the morning. He also said that a certain family could do incantations to ward off the effects of poison. But none of that worked for Muhammad.
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Raised Christian for 50 years, was thinking of joining Islam, till I found your video. May Jesus cleanse my soul


Thank you for making my faith stronger in Christ. ☦️❤


Thanks for making my imaan much stronger


I don't think that "as if" is in the original Arabic in the Hadith. Mohammed doesn't say he feels "as if" his aorta is being cut (which Muslims will use to claim it wasn't really being cut). Mohammed actually says that he feels his aorta being cut.


What did Jesus say before his death?
"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." He did not curse or accuse the jews. He even prayed for them. Despite being a God. He did not become a God to be served but a God that would serve. He is love. When he met sinful peoples, he did not hesitate to forgive them or ask for an exchange. He forgived them. When the evil roman soldier got his ear shredded, he healed it instead of cursing them.


Debunking Muhammad with the help of Ayat of the Koran is a ridiculous attempt.
Because if you want to tell Muhammad is a false prophet, so how is it possible the Koran is true?


The BIBLE 🎚️
Is the only Book that Speaks 🗣️
the TRUTH 💯


When I was a kid every time we asked them how Muhammad died to our Qoran teacher he told us he was injured and trying to hide from his enemies then a spider 🕷️ built a web around him then he died not in the hands of his enemies for that reason killing a spider it's considered a sin! I can't believe I was hooked on these lies.


It is narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar ('Abdullah b. 'Umar) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:
Verily Islam started as something strange and it would again revert (to its old position) of being strange just as it started, and it would recede between the two mosques just as the serpent crawls back into its hole.
Reference : Sahih Muslim 146


I just learned something because i never knew how he died haha because all i care for is Jehovah and Jesus, never cared for Muhammad!


Muhammad was right about the medicinal properties of black seed. Powdered black seed and black seed oil is one of most potent natural anti-virals. Though I wouldn't attribute this to Muhammad himself. Black seed has been known in eastern medicine since far before Muhammads time.


One of the only prophecies that actually came true in islam. Fingers crossed that the one Muhammad made regarding Islam shrinking back into a hole like a snake comes true.


He was a true prophet, with the "truth" that is from he devil, the false truth that leads straight to hell.


Alhamdulillah.Thanks. The more the efforts to undermined Prophet Muhammad SAW, the more people reverted back to Islam and that is why Islam is the fastest growing religion in Islam.


If you want to know the truth, you have to listen to both sides, not to one person who hates Islam, otherwise you will never know the truth. This is how things go. The judge listens to both sides, not just the accused or the victim.


Really an Amazing, Strong, and Important Topic, God bless you brother in Jesus' name


Thanks for making my faith more stronger Muslim till I die


Do you guys honestly think a guy would make a fake book and then direct people to cross reference the correct book to verify the fake he just wrote?

So if you are in doubt, about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters. [10:94]

We did not send messengers before you other than men whom We inspired with revelation. So, ask the people of the Reminder, if you do not know. [16:43]

He has sent down the Book to you with the Truth to confirm what is available of other revelations, as it is He who sent down the Torah and the Gospel [3:3]

And when a messenger from God came to them (the people of the book) confirming that which was with them, a party of those who had been given the Scripture threw the Scripture of God behind their backs as if they did not know [2:101]

This is the book there is no doubt in it
A guide to the God fearing
Those who believe in the unseen are mindful of their prayers and give out of what We have given them
And those who believe in that which has been revealed to thee, and that which was revealed before thee, and they have firm faith in the last day
Honestly if the Quran is from the devil then why would the devil direct people to God, pray do righteous work read books from God and follow Moses and Jesus and criticize people for ignoring Gods commandments?


رسالة للمسيحيين. أعبدو الله الواحد ولا تشركو به و لا تعبدو الأصنام و البشر . الله ليس كمثله شيئ. هو واحد. وليس ثلاث و ليس بشر


Great video, let’s hope and pray for Muslims to see the Truth
