Gangplank vs Yorick - Close Fight - League of Legends #shorts

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#shorts #leagueoflegends #lol #리그오브레전드 #velyx #gangplank #gangplankmontage

Hello guys! Here is a clip of me playing Gangplank vs Yorick. I hope you enjoy it. Make sure to like,share and subscribe for more! thx :)

Song: Twilight - GRAVECHILL
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A little context about the video: What I was trying to do was move inside the circle and get as far back from minions I can, but I was pressing oustide because I might click missclick the circle if I tried from the inside. Anyways even if I did or I didn't, minions damage was not enough and Yorick wasn't able to hit me. Thanks for reading until the end, maybe check out my other videos too :) Have a wonderful day!
