Washington governor's debate: Ferguson, Reichert offer plans to improve public safety

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Washington state gubernatorial candidates Bob Ferguson, a Democrat, and Dave Reichert, a Republican, debate top issues such as public safety, homelessness and more.
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Mr. Ferguson, why didn't you improve public safety with your party during last decade?


Wake up, WA! Vote for Dave Reichert! 🇺🇸


Side Show Bob and Jay's Epic Adventure ended up as a colossal train wreck for Washington State's citizens


Vote for Bobby ....pay more and live worst.


For the love of God, Washington state don’t let Bob Ferguson in. He has done nothing but destroyed this place with Our current governor. Let’s not continue that it’s time for change!!!


Please WA... we deserve better. We need change. Please do not vote for Bob F..! Please, we deserve better than continuing that political legacy.


☔... p.S...a reaL person vs a politician
.... I'll choose peace 💜


Bob was absolutely dunked on and lost this debate. Just basic common sense says Bob isn't up to the task of being governor if he can't handle being AG and getting that mess sorted out.


Bob Ferguson trying to tie Dave Reichert to Donald Trump has nothing to do with doing with making life better for WA state residents.


Bob ferguson the picture of a corrupt politician


Hey Pierce and King County! Could you do us East Siders a favor? Please don’t force us to try to survive Ferguson. Barely survived Jay Inslee. Thanks 🙏


REICHART All the way. Washington way too soft on crime.


Bob spent more time writing lawsuits against Trump than he did taking care of this state.


Slimy distraction efforts from Bob F. Discrediting himself immediately.


3:15 voting for Ferguson gets you more of the last 12 years. More taxes, more homelessness, more drug addiction, more of the same.


Vote reichart. Bob is no good for this state and is directly responsible for the drug issues in this state. Bob will cause irreversible damage to this state.


Ferguson came across as a political arrogant slimeball. Dave obviously is not a polished debater in front of a camera. But we need change. And I believe he is qualified and capable. Ferguson represents status quo. WE NEED SOME CHANGE! Reichert 2024!


This Patriotic Veteran approves this mesg 

Gun deaths 

There are 30, 000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. The U.S. population is 324, 059, 091 as of June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.0000925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30, 000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:

• 65% of those deaths are by suicide, which would never be prevented by gun laws.

• 15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified.

• 17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – better known as gun violence.

• 3% are accidental discharge deaths.

So technically, "gun violence" is not 30, 000 annually, but drops to 5, 100. Still too many? Now lets look at how those deaths spanned across the nation.

• 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago

• 344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore

• 333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit

• 119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)

So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause.

This basically leaves 3, 825 for the entire rest of the nation, or about 75 deaths per state. That is an average because some States have much higher rates than others. For example, California had 1, 169 and Alabama had 1.

Now, who has the strictest gun laws by far? California, of course, but understand, it is not guns causing this. It is a crime rate spawned by the number of criminal persons residing in those cities and states. So if all cities and states are not created equal, then there must be something other than the tool causing the gun deaths.

Are 5, 100 deaths per year horrific? How about in comparison to other deaths? All death is sad and especially so when it is in the commission of a crime but that is the nature of crime. Robbery, death, rape, assault are all done by criminals. It is ludicrous to think that criminals will obey laws. That is why they are called criminals.

But what about other deaths each year?

• 40, 000+ die from a drug overdose–THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!

• 36, 000 people die per year from the flu, far exceeding the criminal gun deaths.

• 34, 000 people die per year in traffic fatalities(exceeding gun deaths even if you include suicide).

Now it gets good:

• 200, 000+ people die each year (and growing) from preventable medical errors. You are safer walking in the worst areas of Chicago than you are when you are in a hospital!

• 710, 000 people die per year from heart disease. It’s time to stop the double cheeseburgers! So what is the point? If the liberal loons and the anti-gun movement focused their attention on heart disease, even a 10% decrease in cardiac deaths would save twice the number of lives annually of all gun-related deaths (including suicide, law enforcement, etc.). A 10% reduction in medical errors would be 66% of the total number of gun deaths or 4 times the number of criminal homicides Simple, easily preventable 10% reductions! So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty simple:

Taking away guns gives control to governments. The founders of this nation knew that regardless of the form of government, those in power may become corrupt and seek to rule as the British did by trying to disarm the populace of the colonies. It is not difficult to understand that a disarmed populace is a controlled populace.

Thus, the second amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be preserved at all costs. So the next time someone tries to tell you that gun control is about saving lives, look at these facts and remember these words from Noah Webster: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed."

What ever happen to up hold the Oath of office to protect and up hold the CONSTITUTION of the USA....NOT MAKE YOUR OWN RULES/LAWS...

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If you want the Gestapo Ferguson same old BS. If you’d like change Vote for Reichert. Big change.


All bob has is "trump, trump, trump" and "abortion, abortion, abortion."
