48. JWT Token for all api's in common place (Interceptor) | Spring Boot Expert Tutorial Code Simple

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This video focus on how to right the jwt token verification for all the api's in the common place. We are using interceptor in our spring boot application

All the code are committed in below github repo.

Git link for this project:

#JWT #validate #all #in #one #common #place #verify #token #springboot #java #codesimple #tamil
Рекомендации по теме

very useful so far this series is so good . very well explained . But there is a hook brother now JWT 0.9.1 youre using is depricated in the industry . now trending version is 11.5.0 pls do make video tutorial on that because there is lot of changes made in the new version . if youre reading this comment pls do consider making a video tutorial on that .


hi sir thank you so much u saved me today thanks a lot please do more videos on spring boot like role base authorization and more


@CodeSimple Bro Thanks for the useful session. why you are validate the token in the interceptors & why not in filter level ?


Bro websecurityconfigureradapter deprecate aagiduchu bro, so security filter chain use panni JWT token generate panna solli thanga bro


Hi I have two doubt's on springboot jwt token's.
one how to access the html page and api's in same application.
two which place you have allow the api response (I mean you only check the api with token but not that response output value's to show or not)and that's place I need to check separate user's to show the different page's. So I need that


bro how to write jwt token automatically in another page header
