Gold recovery from Aqua regia acid Use zinc powder.

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Aqua regia is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, optimally in a molar ratio of 1:3. Aqua regia is a yellow-orange (sometimes red) fuming liquid, so named by alchemists because it can dissolve the noble metals gold and platinum, though not all metals.
Aqua regia is primarily used to produce chloroauric acid, the electrolyte in the Wohlwill process for refining the highest quality (99.999%) gold.
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Recovery of Gold by Precipitation with Zinc.
This sample has 10-20 grams of Zinc, which theoretically can precipitate 0.7 grams of gold from pregnant solution refining or aqua regia acid after use


Some HELPFUL TIPS for you Archimedes : 1 when you finish the hot water wash... rinse all your gold powder out of the beaker into a coffee filter with Borax already in it, and twist tight to ring out any excess water. 2 the powder does not need to be dried out completely . 3 wet sand your crucible bowl with 2000 grit sandpaper smooth...then fire it red hot and add Borax too hot glaze it hard. 4 Now once you have crucible bowl perfect add some more Borax and place the whole twisted coffee filter in and start the firing with propane 1st until it gets blood red hot, then go too acetylene brazing torch *( Not Cutting the cutting one )*because it will not blow the powder gold dust out of the crucible.


What did u do with the bulk sediment before using only shows in process the sediment from the sync powder...or is this video only to show how to get back remaining gold sediment left in aqua regia


Hi there over here in the UK its difficult to get the acids because we had a number of idiots using acids to burn flesh . The UK government made it clear you have to be licensed to use hazardous chemicals and to have the right protective gear visited by health and safety yes that's why it's difficult to extract gold from electronic wastes.


It'd be interesting if was subtitled in Spanish, French or Portugues, for I've problem to understand the English spoken in America; I've to see this video many times to try understand everything.


Gold salt is a powerful oxidant, zinc powder a good reductant. Zinc is zerovalent in its metallic powder form, meaning it has 0 charge (not a salt). When mixed with gold salt with a charge of +3 per gold atom, electrons from the zinc powder are transferred to the gold, this reduces the gold iii to gold 0, which is the metallic non-salt form of gold, zinc loses 2 electrons to become a zinc ii salt. In essence, zinc and gold switch places in terms of salt vs metallic form. The optimal molar ratio of zinc powder to soluble gold salt is 3:2


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Hello, and thank you for this video. I learned from him. I have a question: Did the zinc powder deposit copper with gold upon precipitation and got a lot of copper?


استاد درصد نیتریک جهت از بین بردن زینک
را لطف میکنید متشکرم .


Sir, which one is more effective for precipitation, by zinc powder or SMB? In case of by using zinc powder, shall it be boiled? Thanks in advance


That has the look of a homemade melt dish...
I wonder would you mind sharing what you made it out of? Or better yet maybe even make a video on the step by step procedure and all inclusive list of ingredients


Your video is excellent. I have good content of pgm mix in iron ore. The ore obtained through gravity separation. How do i separate the base ore and take pgm out ?


What is that Zinc Powder called there are many types of Zinc Powders can you specify which one it is


Thank you for teaching me how to do this.


OMG!... This was hard to watch, first you left gold dust in the glass beaker. Then you blow the gold away with your gas torch, your gold losses must be high. If you sweep the floor you might get an ounce or two of gold at the end of the year off the


Great job! Your video was fantastic. Do you know anything about iridium ? I have ore containing 40% Ir 43% Cu and 7% Au and other 10% not as interesting. i would like to know how to separate them efficiently.


Hello brother .In our area .Water in gold but micro bit we can't see but it is scientific proof .How can I remove gold from water . Please reply


Grats for the gold you have, however, this is kinda pain to watch. How about to test, if there is gold in solution (SnCl2). May be boil the solution and let it stand for some time is more effective (less work). This zinc powder is effective, no doubt, but so much work and chemicals... FeSO4?


خیلی عالیه فقط خواهش میکنم اگه میشه اون موادهای که بهش اضافه می کنید اسمش زیرش بنویسید. خواهشن


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