She Said - Movie Review

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Chris Stuckmann reviews She Said, starring Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan, Patricia Clarkson, Andre Braugher, Jennifer Ehle. Directed by Maria Schrader.
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Now we need to wait for the prequel "That's What"


“Hollywood makes movie about something Hollywood actively covered up for years.”


SPOTLIGHT is an amazing film, but the one I love the most withing this genre has to be Dark Waters. I had always heard bad things about Monsanto, specially in college, but that film opened my eyes to the horrors that company was responsible for. I will watch this for sure!


You are absolutely right about the “living in the now” statement.
Perfect example, the Dahmer episodes on Netflix.
I’m in my 40’s, I work with 18 and early 20 year old folks. They were shocked and speechless about what Dahmer did. I already knew what he did and what happened to him but to those young folks, it was something they couldn’t believe really happened.


Honestly the casting is fantastic and I really want to watch this because Carey Mulligan was INCREDIBLE in Promising Young Woman and her cast as Megan makes so much sense.


I'll admit, I've kinda been dismissing this movie for the reasons you discussed - that it seems too recent to cover this story in a film. Your perspective about it and using the "All the President's Men" example has actually really opened my eyes. Huge events like this film's subject matter won't always be recent, relevant news. Kids now could discover this film in 15-20 years and have had no idea about any of it.

Thanks for changing my mind. I'm definitely going to see She Said now.

It's a bit odd how the film will get a standing ovation from a room full of people complicit in the situation.


Idk why but when Chris reviews a journalism related movie, I get so much more excited for them


Does the movie bring up the fact that hollywood knew this was happening for decades, even before harvey .


I really like Chris’ new reviews. It seems like working on a movie himself has given him a new appreciation for how movies are made, and he can explain filmmaking choices and concepts better than a lot of other critics. It’s interesting stuff, and helps me look at movies in a new way.


Spotlight is one of my all time favorite movies. I fall more in love with it every time I watch it. I also love well done, captivating movies about reporters, because it is difficult to do. I saw She Said last night and was blown away by it. Loved your review. Also, still can't believe you and Sam have babies. 🤗


Saw an early screening of this at the New York Film Festival last month, and I will never forget the tears from the woman sitting next to me as it neared its climax.


The way you described the director's role in this film is something I wish more directors did. I will watch any movie if it has a great story to tell and some times I feel directors take you out of the story to leave their imprint. When you have a great story and great actors the best thing to remove your ego and it unfold naturally.


Hey Chris, thanks for taking the time to talk about the state of the media in today's climate. I'm almost done with my Bachelor's in Broadcast Journalism, and All of the President's Men was one of the main reasons I chose journalism as a career. I'm looking forward to watching this movie as it tackles one of the most critical news stories in the 2010s. Also, Zoe Kazan is a great actress. She's in one of my favorite movies, Me and Orson Welles.


Haven’t been here since the beginning, but I’ve been watching you now for a long time. Personally, seeing you grow and change over the years has been incredibly rad. You’ve developed into one of the more legitimate film critics whose opinion I greatly respect, and you’ve also made your dream of becoming a filmmaker come true. Not until recently did I realize just how big of an effect you’ve had on my life. And I just wanted to thank you for that…and just, thank you for being rad, Chris.


Samantha Morton from Minority Report? She's incredible in everything she's in. Another film of hers you should see is Code 46 with Tim Robins.


Very interesting point that you touched on about movies standing the test of time and the importance of that. I’d like to see you do a series on older movies that have the unique quality of standing the test of time.


Thought this movie was excellent! While it was done in a straightforward way, it worked well for the story and it kept me interested the whole way through. Great review!


Absolutely loved your explanation about the importance of longevity. Lowkey added another component as to why I ADORE movies.


Chris, thank you for pointing out that going for a minimalist unstylized approach can be a valid approach. I think that approach allows a sense of “uncomposed” realism to come out in a work, and I agree that it’s probably one of the best ways to depict subject matter like this respectfully.
