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In an unprecedented move, The United States is sending a third aircraft carrier strike force to the western Pacific region, in an apparent warning to North Korea to stop its ballistic missile and nuclear programs.

The USS Nimitz, will join the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Ronald Reagan, in the western Pacific.

USS Nimitz was scheduled to be deployed to the Middle East, but now it has been rerouted to the Western Pacific.

The USS Carl Vinson & the USS Ronald Reagan are already in the Sea of Japan.

James Fanell, former director of Intelligence and Information Operations for the U.S. Pacific Fleet told: “I served in the U.S. Navy from 1986 to 2015, and I do not remember a time that the U.S. has ever deployed three aircraft carrier strike groups to the Korean peninsula”

It must be noted that each of these ships lead their own Carrier Strike Group.

Each of the 3-strike group has at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and or frigates, as well as nuclear powered submarine. Apart from that, multiple Logistic ships and AWACS support them.

In this video, Defense Updates looks at the 3 most important components of the strike group, namely the Carrier itself, the Destroyers, & the Submarines one by one, and analyzes how powerful the combined force of 3 carriers strike group is?



All the 3 ships are of NIMITZ class.

The Nimitz-class supercarriers are a class of 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in service with the United States Navy. The lead ship of the class is named for World War II United States Pacific Fleet commander Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz.

Nimitz-class aircraft carriers were designed to be improvements on previous U.S. aircraft carriers, in particular the Enterprise and Forrestal-class.

Nimitz CVN-68 was commissioned on 3 May 1975, Carl Vinson (CVN-70) on 13 March 1982 and Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) on12 July 2003.

Nimitz-class ships each cost around $4.5 billion and have been the symbol of U.S power. They have been used to project power far off from US mainland.



The Destroyer component of the Carrier Strike Group generally contains 1 or 2 Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers.
The class is named for Admiral Arleigh Burke, the most famous American destroyer officer of World War II, and later Chief of Naval Operations.
US Navy has 68 of these, each costing around $1.843 billion.

Arleigh Burke-class warships are designed as multi mission destroyers capable of Anti Aircraft Warfare (AAW), Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW), Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) and Anti Surface warfare (ASuW). These can operate in open sea or coastal waters.



The Virginia class, also known as the SSN-774 class, is a class of nuclear-powered fast attack submarines (hull classification symbol SSN) in service with the United States Navy. The submarines are designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and littoral (shallow coastal water) missions.
US Navy has 13 of these and also building another 6. These cost around $ 1.8 billion each.


The combined force of 3-carrier strike group will have around 200 F 18 strike aircrafts. The MiG-29 is the K P A F's most modern fighter and North Korea operates approximately 40 of these.
F 18 aircrafts equipped with modern air-to-air missile and coupled with US fighter pilot's better training and strategy will be able to take out the North Korean air force in few hours.

North Korea has no Destroyers and has very few Frigates and Corvettes. The vessels are no match for the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

The North Korean military is in possession of a fleet of about 70 submarines, comprised of approximately 20 Romeo class submarines (1,800 tons), 40 Sang-O class submarines (300 tons) and 10 Yono class submarines (130 tons).

These submarines being small and fairly silent have the potential to sneak in close to US Carrier Strike Group. But given the Carrier Strike Group will have cover from P-8 Poseidon Anti Submarine aircraft, apart from its own submarine and Anti submarine warfare capable Arleigh Burke-class, chances of North Korean vessels causing major damage is unlikely.

In simple terms, the 3 carrier strike group is expected to decimate the North Korean forces in few days.
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DU- This production was outstanding. This time I used the closed caps and the data was crisp and clear. The addition of small pics to highlight certain areas was nice. First time viewer. thumbs up, sir/ms


Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers are very important for aircraft carrier protection. Each strike group normally has one cruiser. Carries 122 missiles.


Wow, are we really going to do this? This looks to be going beyond posturing. I worry we may inadvertently spark a regional conflict.


I was in the Navy back in the 80's and 90's, serving in the Pacific in the submarine fleet at the end of the cold war. I don't ever recall 3 full Strike Groups in that area at one time. This is an enormous amount of conventional firepower.


Just hope he gets the point.. be careful out there... thank you..wonderful job....powerful weapons too....great job on this video too..thank you


I would like to spend time with Kim kardashian rather than Kim Jong.


North Korea's air force could be wiped out within an hour if they put their airplanes in the air, and the same goes for their navy aircraft. The U.S. Air Force can send fighter aircraft from South Korea to knock out radar systems, and let the heavy bombers come in and fully destroy targets anywhere in their country and do it in a matter of hours, leaving the country looking like Iraq, and Afghanistan now. If the war was to turn nuclear, the U.S. military have nuclear weapons onboard their ships, and submarines ready to be launched, plus the heavy bombers are already loaded in Guam with nuclear weapons to be dropped over North Korea.


Look out North Korea, Godzilla Is Coming..


this is the reason why a single aircraft carrier is imposibble to sink!


I'm waiting for the part in the video where he mentions the American bases in South Korea, Japan, Guam... America's ability to refuel mid air...

that Japan is riding shotgun in the convoy and has one of the best navy's in the world, and a damn good airforce.

That if this war played out, North Korea's big play would be to go after South Korea, who also has a kick ass army.

I get that the point of the video is that the carrier group could beat NK... but not like they're gonna do it alone.

Also I wouldn't count out China joining in attacking NK if they were to use nukes or target cities.

Short story, know when you're beat, stop the damn tests.


The saddest part of this entire scenario is that this poor little man has been raised on his Father's propaganda, and has perpetrated his own propaganda to the extent that he actually believes he has a chance to win a war with a superpower. The rest of the world knows what folly this is, but I fear the North Korean people will have to suffer through the devastation that is sure to come their way if the man does not come to his senses.
I actually feel sorry for him as well as his people. They just don't have a grip on reality, have never suffered the kind of devastation that is coming their way, and really have done nothing to deserve this horrific destiny. I know the worlds real leaders will do what they must to get him under control, and that is what scares the hell out of me, if only for the sake of the innocents that will suffer.




The US military has been at war for decades and that alone is a massive advantage. There is nothing like experience and the US is the most experienced there is. When they do eventually square of against NK and they will It will be the most devastating display of military might ever seen. It has to be because NK has just so much power pointed at the US allies and all of that has to be taken out as quickly as possible.
In a matter of hours N K will be devastated. This will not be a war like the last one fought there and this time there will be a final solution to it.
Fat boy has no idea what he is messing with and his country will pay an dreadful price for that ignorance.
Very sad but it is coming closer daily as he is not going to quit threatening the USA and the world and i do not think China or Russia can stop him either.


of course China and Russia will help the NoKor same as before during Korean war.


can't listen to those computer voices


Check this out. Vinson has been on a WestPac deployment for about 6 months. Regularly scheduled, nothing sinister going on there. She was extend for 30 days to cover for Reagan, which is forward deployed to Japan and took a little longer in their pier side availability (the term used when work is done pier side or in dry dock on a Navy ship) than anticipated. When that got underway, they resumed normal ops in the region. Nimitz has been scheduled to relive Vinson for years, and currently is underway to do so after picking up their Air Wing she will be taking up their own regularly scheduled WestPac (Western Pacific) deployment. And in 6 months or so she will be relived by another Nimitz class aircraft carrier.
This is all unclassified knowledge, it can be found in the public domain.

So chill out with the fear mongering, ok?


I'd also like to see some lines in the sand drawn. Ie if you do "this" just once more, then we will do that.


Only for display of massive firepower for show-off. It takes time to use it. Nicely, narrated by a robot.


The Nimitz strike group has been deployed to the Persian gulf ! This was already scheduled deployment normal business.


*wait... cassini cost as much as an aircraft carrier?*
