Global Journalist: Liberia after Ebola

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A year ago the World Health Organization declared the Ebola epidemic in Liberia over.

But though the immediate crisis may have passed, Liberia still faces huge challenges in recovering. Two devastating civil wars in the last 30 years destroyed much of the West African nation's infrastructure, and it ranks as one of the poorest countries in the world. At the start of the outbreak, some hospitals even lacked running water and the country had just 50 doctors.

On this edition of Global Journalist, a look at how Liberia is recovering from the epidemic and what aid groups and medical researchers are doing to head off the next outbreak.

Joining the program:

*Adam Levine, director of the Ebola research team with the International Medical Corps.

*Kieran Guilbert, West Africa correspondent for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a humanitarian news service.

*Wade Williams, a Liberian journalist who covered the epidemic for the news site Front Page Africa.

*Zeela Zaizay, a public health specialist in Liberia with the aid groups Effect: Hope and MAP International.
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