🏆EPIC FINALS! - Pro 1v1 | Red Alert 2 | $400 Tournament (Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge)

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- Pro Blitz World Series Event #11 “Surge” (September 2022)
This is a 1v1 Red Alert 2 Tournament: featuring 7 different divisions, 70+ players, and $400+ in cash prizes!

Wanna play next month? There are Divisions for players of all skill levels! Join my Discord server below for more info.


Hey everyone! My name's Iver. Welcome to my channel: RA2cashGAMES. I host and stream pro Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (Yuri's Revenge) games... and give the winners cash :)

My channel features a variety of RA2 gameplay, including professional 1v1 matches, 2v2 games, show-matches, multi-player, free-for-all (FFA), tournaments, and cash prize events. We also feature helpful tutorials, strategies, and walk-throughs, with tips/tricks for new players. I focus mostly on PvP, but I also do PvE occasionally, like 1v7 Brutal AI Enemy challenges, Allied Campaign, and Soviet Campaign games.

"Red Alert 2 Remastered" has yet to officially release, but until it does, I've created a variety of custom maps, tiny maps, survival maps, and mod maps to keep us all entertained! We have a great community of players of all skill levels... download the game today, and come play with us! :)

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💥 "Blitz"
This is a Red Alert 2 game mode of my own creation. Tiny-map, no ore, build oil for money (max 12 oils). All Allied get all Allied bonuses (minus France), all Soviet get all Soviet bonuses. There is a 10min game timer. No engineers allowed.


🎉Wanna watch LIVE?!
Follow me on Twitch (for free) to catch the matches live!


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💪 Wanna play?
After the scheduled matches I host open games that anyone can join! Follow me on Twitch (for free), next time I stream join in for some fun! Message me on Discord with questions.

I also host tournaments each month with brackets for players of ALL skill levels. Join my Discord for info:


👍 Download Red Alert 2?
Trying to figure out how to play RA2 online? Follow this link, it has a video that explains how to download RA2 and play on Cnc-net!


🙌 Donations
Wanna support the channel? 100% of your donations go toward creating more games!


🤝 Discord
This is a free and easy to use messaging app popular in the gaming world. See schedules, ask questions, and join the community!


📧 For Business Inquiries:


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#redalert2gameplay #redalert2remastered
#videogaming #strategygames #rtsgames
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🙌Red Alert 2 World Series is a monthly tournament series looking for PLAYERS, SPONSORS, and STREAMERS!

(100% go toward next month's price pool)

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As someone solely watching this on YouTube and not using Twitch, I'm actually enjoying these longer games a lot. It's great to see the tension build up to a big climax. I know there's this standard practice of making YouTube content not too long to please the algorithm, but IMO that is a bit overrated. As long as the content is great, a longer video could definitely work I think, and I've seen nothing but good content on this channel. Keep up the good work 🙂


Round 2: The most interesting round. The PRP trio in action (planes, rockies, prisms).

19:17 Marko put himself into a difficult position by not having enough AA for his prisms despite swimming in money for quite some time (and his BFs didn't seem to shoot GGI missiles to boot), but he kinda saved himself by sending all his prisms there and controlling his own new rocketeers well. Latof had lots of rockies, but while they were shooting Marko's tanks, Marko's new rockies wasted them, so Latof's prisms got wasted in turn.

Even so, Latof ALMOST made it to one of the AFCs and that would be it. Maybe he could have made the most of his push by only focusing on the MCV, battle lab and the AFC(s). Grabbing the oil to the right of the MCV instead of turning left would have probably caused a chain reaction, taking down the power plant next to it and maybe a barracks, opening up space to reach the MCV, lab and at least one AFC sooner.

Or maybe he could have split a few (like 5-6) tanks to the bottom right when he started his push.

22:45 Big brain play from Marko. Latof was getting desperate for money crates so he'd captured the weather machine. Upon getting the "building captured" announcement, Marko must have realized Latof should be on low power and did a sortie. Latof should have sold the bottom-right corner Patriot and/or the gap gen before capturing it.

But that's all hindsight so yeah.


Man i love ❤ this 20 minute WW1 style games. Bolster up, bolster up, bolster up, looking for weaknesses and Fireing on all zylinders make big BOOOOM.


When I see 53 mins video with those Boyz I know what I'm signing up for💣🔥.
Kudos to you Iver bringing this game back to life🚀💪🏽🤑


I was not getting bored. This was a great game! Thank you.


I see real passion burning inside Latof😎


Amazing stuff. Love this game so much, man.


In Flanders fields where rocketeers flow
Between prism-tanks spawning row upon row


Fortunately there was no timer in the second game, loved it!


As you mentioned some weeks ago during the stream. As I asked why we didn't see a Snow Map yet it was not meant to ask to do one. I just wondered why all maps are temperate. 😉


thank you for doing this, love the videos


39:09 Marko moves Eagle so fast and smooth


Why aunt German and destroyers ever used?? Wouldn't those be a great asset??? Please explain. IM a noob


only marko could have managed to do perfect split !! (Y)


Kik3matamitos Presenta! Pls do commentary when Kik3matamitos (the RA2 Legend from Mexico)is playing. That dude’s a RA2 pioneer. ❤


I know this might sound dumb but is there any reason why a lot of pro i see always play ra2 or Yuri's revenge? We have RA3 but maybe it's not balance enough to be competitive?


Can we for a moment appreciate how easily Latof defended against Marko's counter push in the first game? 95% of RA2 players would be dead right there

Call me weird but I like AvA more than SvS


This was a really good game. Thanks guys!


Cant believe this game still is going on
