The Greatest WW2 Board Game, Ever - Undaunted: Stalingrad Review

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Wow. We are humbled. Thank you to Shut Up & Sit Down for taking the time to Play Undaunted: Stalingrad. It's our proudest achievement and we are so excited to share it with the world.


Hey! One of the play testers here. Love the review. It was really good to hear you loved no stickers and no damage to components due to the campaign mode - this was something a number of the play testers advocated for and was adopted!


Does anyone else agree that the pan hit edit was way better than it had any right to be...


I feel like the issue that you can misjudge a scenario and blunder into a complete fuck-up fits right into a WW2 tactics game.


Quinns shouting out Valkyria Chronicles made me so much happier than it had any right to.


I rather the players to give their veterans nicknames based on the emergent game play on their table, but I agree with upgrading the art beyond just a simple pose change.

Also, not knowing whether the building you turned to rubble today will be tactically more useful to you intact tomorrow, sounds very Stalingrad.

What Quins wants is Undaunted: Warhammer 40k


I love your videos, the reviews are so good, because we don't just get the insight on how the game plays, we also find out how you felt during it, what were your thoughts on it throughout the playthroughs, not just after it. It shows us not only if we will like how the game plays, but how it will feel to play the game, captures that thing that I thought you could only get by playing the game on your own. And it also has entertainment value because of the narrative you put into it, you know when your friend talks so passionately about something, and you get excited as a result, that's the feeling I get from watching this video, truly a masterpiece, I will be buying this game for sure, and looking forward to more videos from SU&SD!


The criticism if the game sounds a bit like it did too god a job representing the theme; an ugly battlefield, nameless soldiers that at best gets rewarded with propaganda photoshoot, commanders who don't care about individual soldiers, a field where you fight over broken buildings and so on. A bit like U-boot where the theme is really well done, but also a bit of an issue.


Regarding the t34 mod 1942, it was my idea during testing. It was the only way to fit the stats of the testing sample. I suggested changing them to fit more interesting vehicles but it was too late for that. The original plan was to have the t34-85 but I warned them of the date of service of that vehicle (1944) way past the stalingrad battle.


For the record, Q, tanks inside the city of Stalingrad actually weren’t very useful. So it makes sense that they’d be underpowered in the game mechanics.

It was because the city had been reduced to rubble before the Germans reached it. The streets were nearly impossible to traverse quickly and every pile of rubble or corner could conceal an infantryman with a Molotov cocktail or a grenade to disable it at least or destroy it at best. It was more than any other battle on the Eastern Front an infantry battle.

The real tank battle took place on the Steppe west of the city where the Soviets encircled the German 6th army.


A game like this where you get to set and make the area you fight in would be really good. Setting down tiles to try to make your mission easier, or block the enemy, that would make this incredibly fun.


Personal characterization is a great recommendation. I hope they are able to do that and maybe revise some of those less interesting scenarios in a second edition.


"...I don't know why people wear them..." 🤣 great job, thank you for taking the time!!!


The realism in that pan hit... Movie quality


Now that I know we are getting aircraft in the next Undaunted….I really want a Naval one. This game is great.


Honestly, the cons Quinns lists are basically pros for me - I'll gladly sacrifice balance for more variability, and lopsided scenarios where things resolve in a completely unexpected fashion sound pretty fun. What I *would* consider a flaw would be if the scenarios get unbalanced in such a way that one side gets a permanent disadvantage though, so I hope the game doesn't suffer from that problem.... otherwise, bring on the chaos! :)


Very excited for this one, which actually makes me wonder what their next game Battle for Britain is going to change things up, since they are evidently not carrying the campaign system forward with that entry.

And there's always the much speculated, possible Pacific front to carry the next iteration of the campaign system. (I would love to see an island hopping thing for that if it ever gets made)


Combat Commander is pretty awesome. I'd love to see a review of that


2:57 Wow! You're sitting at home, thinking you're safe and secure, and suddenly you're hit by a jump scare. Great thematic addition.


6:08 Pavlov's House! I do hope someone remembered to feed his dog...
