QGIS Tutorial - How to add polygon layer, add a field, add XY for centroid of polygon -GIS Solutions

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In this sort video I am going to show you in QGIS how to add a polygon shapefile layer, add a field, edit the field, label and colour it then add the centroid to show the X and Y of the polygons.
To add the centroids to the polygons in FIELD CALCULATOR:
Add field: Xcord
Real decimal Length = 12, precision = 5
Using expression: x(centroid($geometry))
Add field: Ycord
Real decimal Length = 12, precision = 5
Using expression: y(centroid($geometry))
To add the centroids to the polygons in FIELD CALCULATOR:
Add field: Xcord
Real decimal Length = 12, precision = 5
Using expression: x(centroid($geometry))
Add field: Ycord
Real decimal Length = 12, precision = 5
Using expression: y(centroid($geometry))
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