Why Your SPIRIT Guides CHOSE You! Michael Sandler

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Did you know you have guides by your side, right now, at this very moment. In the most beautiful way, your never alone, and many of your guides have been with you since the beginning of time. Others, come in with specific missions.

In this fascinating show you'll begin to learn who is by your side and why, and of course, how you can get in better touch with them.

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Our daughter Kimberly passed in 2003 at the age of 26.. We of course shared DNA, but Ive been told we are twin souls. So when she departed I felt my heart being ripped from my body. I kept saying, “she is my heart and I don’t know how to live without my heart”. Over time, I’ve gotten many messages from her. I will share the most recent. A few days ago as I stood looking at her picture, I heard, “I am you, you are me. As long as you breathe, so do We”.


Our precious daughter Courtney transitioned September 29, 2012. She had just turned 24 on August 22 (Angel Day). She was on a bike trip with 2 friends. All 3 were hit, but only Courtney ascended. She is our beautiful angel and reminds us constantly that we are deeply connected in our infinate love.
Much love everyone 💙


I worked for 35 years as an Australian National Park Ranger. I mostly worked on my own for a lot of that time. I often particularly during Wildfires would look around to see who it was that was beside me, Never saw anyone, but I used to thank them on my way Home to my Family. I never got a reply but I always felt as though there was always someone / thing guiding or protecting me!


…I was told to tell your audience….”replace your fear with love”


Nudged by my guide to listen to you. What a beautiful soul you are. Really needed to hear this.❤


I asked my guides to talk to my daughters guides ( she was my heart) many times to help her. I prayed constantly and meditated. But she died last November anyway, and I’m that spiritual optimistic compassionate person who has a broken heart now with a broken smile. We have no real choices or control over life’s experiences. I’m Dorothy from the wizard of Oz, nothing in the wizards bag for me. But, I admit I’ve had the scarecrow, lion and tin man along for the journey.


As I’m listening to this I look outside my front door and I see a white feather floating in the sky.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Bless you Michael 💛


Dear Michael, it was a happy day recently when I found your channel. I love listening to you and always feel so uplifted and joyful, and I feel your love, so thankyou for all you do. Many blessings 🙏💖


I love waking up thinking, I need some Michael Sandler in my life and then I go into YouTube and this is the 1st video that pops up! Thank u Michael and Jessica!!! Great way to start the day!


Sending love to Jessica, Michael, Roo Roo and kitty and to all the listeners. Woo hoo. We’ve got this. 🙌🙌🙏❤️


I know my spirit guides brought me to your channel. Be blessed always beautiful soul!


My mom passed in February and I was blessed to be a witness as Jesus walked with her by the hand into the light. I believe Jesus has been my guide for a while I just didn’t realize it until recently. I have been guided to scribe for some reason and Jesus came through for me in my writing. I have been guided to your channel for a reason and now I know why “ to learn more about scribing and channeling “, I’m very attracted to your energy. Your energy to me is like a bee 🐝. I have seen 2 bees in the window today when practicing my scribing. I listened to one of your videos this morning and you talked about energy in motion. I couldn’t understand what the 🐝 meant. I believe they where telling me to communicate with you because that’s what it says on my paper. Wow!! How cool !! Jennifer Benjamin


Me too!!!...I got the 'u got this' sign (tho smaller version..written on a box.lol.) several times....when I was going thru a particularly difficult time. I get lots of synchronicities and signs, most days....sign I met my (possibly) 'twin flame'...I'd like to hear what Michael knows about different types of soul connections...I mean soul-mates, twin flames, karmic...etc.
I just remembered another supportive sign, that I had yrs ago, that said 'it's not as dark as it seems' ....that was in a TV ad...it meant so much to me...I so needed thst, at the time. I was grateful and relieved ...i cried....realised something was there supporting me...tho I didn't really know about guides at the time.


Change is inevitable, progress is optional. Pray without ceasing and ask for revelation.


I Saw my Board Room for the first time in the summer of 2019. All my guides were around the table, some sitting some standing... They presented themselves as people in historical dress! Very funny. The "costumes" helped me figure out what each guide was "in charge of." I had to laugh... This is how I knew it was a message from THEM and not something I made up because of the Board Room and the very long table were something I would not have come up with at the time, so it was a big surprise!...


This is so funny. I just meditated and asked my angels how can I get more connected. After that, I turned on my iPad and this video automatically started playing. Is this not angels work, what is. God bless you all. Michael, thank you for the wonderful video. 💕🙏🏻🌿🌏❤️🌈🌎👍☮️❤️


Thank you, I know all about spirit guides, they brought me here to listen to you now. Thank you fellow light worker.


Michael you are like a saviour thank you for your teachings. Love and light


I call my team The Flarking Onsies 🥳“fly, , play, work” 🌈 Elementals, dragons, unipegs, fairy’s, moss people, dolphins! I have them all 🥰


Thank you for sharing the “Blue’s Brothers “ reference. I myself is a fan. One of my favorite quotes was that they were on a mission from God…
