Pets in the Afterlife? You Bet!

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Will my beloved pet greet me on the other side? Did I do the right thing when I made the decision for euthanasia? Can my pet send me signs? Enjoy the evidence that Suzanne Giesmann shares to answer these questions with a resounding, "YES". Meet Asti, the cat who communicated clearly with Suzanne from across the veil with details that only his "human parents" would know.

This clip is taken from "W-Holy You", a four-day retreat that Suzanne held in October 2021.

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On the anniversary of my dog Abby's birthday, I asked her for a sign, a dog bone. Later that evening, while driving to get ice cream, there was a large dog bone on the back windshield of the car in front of me. I thanked her for the sign.


I have seen many NDEs and our pets are there waiting for us. We reunite with them just like our dead realives and friends. After my furbabies died I heard and felt them. I had an awake dream and my dog was standing there as clear and real as possible. I was so thrilled since she died a week earlier. I picked her up and saw my recently deceased dad and then I realized she wasn't back but was actually with my dad and he is taking care of her until I get there. I can't wait! I want to be with them now.


I had a NDE where I saw my dead mother, me three dead chihuahuas, my white cat, Michael, and Peter my bird but my mother told me not to rush and that they’d wait for me … that was hard, still brings tears to my eyes!

Thank you for sharing,

Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🐝


Over the past years I had my pets cremated and their ashes were sent back in beautiful carved boxes or porcelain jars. I have a corner where I keep these precious boxes and light a candle every day. I stay connected to them in death as I did in life cause I believe they are still with me . This will go on till it’s my turn and my instructions are after me all our remains will be floated together in a peaceful river. As for the ones I lost much earlier - I hope they meet me at the rainbow bridge


I had an amazing experience after the passing of my beloved Springer Spaniel Ben, that lasted many years after his passing. On the first anniversary if his passing, I held some of his fur that I saved in my hands, and talked to him, crying with my heart breaking. I opened my hands and there was a perfectly formed heart made from his fur. I had done nothing to manipulate the fur. Every year, after that on his anniversary, he would remind me to remember him on that day. One year, I got the mental message that he didn’t want me to cry anymore, he was ok. I meditated at another time and vividly had an experience with him at the Rainbow Bridge. Ben was young, , and the feeling of joy was overpowering for him and me. My heart felt so full of joy… never ever will I forget his reaching out to me. I know that he is there, and someday we will meet again.


Here is my dilemma - When your pet is here on earth, they are so dependent of you - always wants to be near you, when you are away they sit and wait, just always needing you. I can't wrap my head around them being somewhere else and not looking for you, looking for that snuggle, wondering where you are, not scared that you arent with them. This kills me.


You know the night I decided to walk the path of mediumship I was thinking "but there is noone from my passed relatives which I would really like to speak to".
Right away, my dog who died 15 years ago came to me and we cuddled. It was so surprising and beautiful, I hadn't thought about it.
She was the only one I knew who I wasn't conflicted about meeting again.


Dear Suzanne, when I shared this piece with my close friend Beverly, this was her response, and gave me permission to post it here:

So funny you sent this — when my mother was the right age to be confirmed as a Methodist in her small town in Minnesota in the mid-1930s she refused to do so because the minister had said that her dog could not go with her to heaven. So she loved her dog so much she decided that that Methodist heaven was not a place she wanted to be. Her parents were good natured enough to allow her to quit her confirmation classes.
Much love to you Pamela!!


This makes my day. I’ve had many pets in my life, and would love to reunite with each and every one of them. I’m way more hesitant about humans.


Thank you for sharing this.. I needed to hear this today.. we lost both of our boys Last year 11 months apart and struggle every SINGLE day..I ask my boys for signs and I really do get them.. THANK YOU MY SWEET BABY BOYS.. JASPER LEE AND MOMO 💙🐾💙🐾 MOMMY LOVES YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH


This was greatly needed as two months ago we had to put our sweet Rottweiler down as she had a stroke. It was awful as she had had epilepsy for ten yrs. but was controlled pretty well with her meds. until then. We have been broken-hearted. I also just lost my Mom two weeks ago and couldn't go to the funeral due to Covid. Thanks.


I had to put my Shihtzu down and after I came home from the vets, my husband and I heard Furbee bark. My husband said I just heard Furbee bark and I said so did I. I knew then that Furbee had a soul and was happy to leave and be out of his pain. Since then my husband passed. I went to a medium and first thing she told me is she sees my husband and on his lap was a dog. That was Furbee.


OFCOURSE they are Earth Angels 😇 💜 💕 💖


Thank you Suzanne.. I had an NDE and my beloved Westie, , Gus, was with me when I was near the light.. he had passed the year earlier.I don’t dread death at all.


I’m going to have all of my passed fur babies to meet me very soon….🥰😻🦋🙋🏻‍♀️


Six weeks since my 19+ year old cat, Max transitioned. An agonizing week or so before the at home euthanasia. Max, always laid back, gifted both myself and the vet with a huge energy of calm and peace at the moment of his passing. aA couple of days later the human side of grief kicked in. Interesting how his "death" more than any human's Ive experienced has heightened my awareness of my "soul's" experience of life and my "human" experience. It feels like living in 2 worlds. Blessings to all those who grieve and long for those they miss.


Its so hard but its so comforting to know we will join them again!


When my beloved Thumper at age eighteen was at the vet who we knew and trusted said oh so gently "It's time" I swear someone touched my elbow and said "come on Al you've loved him so much don't let him down now" and this gave me the strength to nod to the vet and say "yes". i speak to him and our other two dogs and one cat every night and now in old age i look forward to our reunion all in God's good time. Thank you so much for your postings Suzanne.


Thank you Suzanne. Currently struggling with this predicament. Our 18.5 year old Siamese will soon be ready to transition. We’ve loved many pets and it’s never easy to say “see you later” but I appreciate your efforts in spreading the word that it’s all part of our human experience and everything will be fine… I’ve always said they tell you when it’s time and am always amazed at how true that is .. I look forward to the grand reunion with them all when it’s my time… sending love to you …


Of course they have an afterlife, they are indestructible like we are. They actually transition better than most human because they do not have an Ego.
