Health Benefits of Peaches with Robin Rose Bennett + Peach Oxymel Recipe

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Peaches are loved as food, yet the health benefits of peaches extend far beyond that. Peaches (Prunus persica) are some of our best cooling and relaxing herbal medicines. After this episode with Robin Rose Bennett, you’ll never look at them the same way again!

Peaches are especially treasured for their ability to soothe nausea. After this episode, you’ll have a sweet, cooling, stomach-soothing treat you can rely on for all sorts of tummy troubles from morning sickness to car sickness. (And that’s just one of peaches’ many gifts!)

You’ll also receive instant FREE access to Robin’s luscious peach oxymel recipe.

Listen in for:

► The moment when Robin knew herbs were gaining mainstream acceptance

► What you need to know about working with peach pits safely

► How gardening can be a way of giving back

Here is one of my favorite takeaways from our conversation:

“Peach is cooling. It's moistening. There's that juiciness of it. It is a pretty profound herb to help with hot irritation in the mind, heart and body.” (Timestamp: 13:56)

Robin is such a delight to spend time with and I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today.

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I’m a huge fan of Mountain Rose Herbs and will often share referral links to buy herbs or herbal supplies at their online herbal apothecary.

By using the above affiliate link, you help support this channel. Thanks!


00:00 - Introduction

03:20 - Robin shares her path and approach to herbalism

05:03 - How herbalism has changed in the U.S. since the late 1980’s

09:37 - Why Robin loves peach

10:09 - Robin’s cooling peach pit infusion

10:59 - A poem for peach

13:48 - The health benefits of peaches and some favorite ways to work with them

19:18 - Robin’s Peach Oxymel recipe

25:03 - Working with peach and motherwort together to soothe and calm

29:12 - Peach leaves for bee stings, bug bites, and skin irritations

30:31 - Other possible herbal partners to complement peach

33:33 - Robin’s current projects

39:38 - A Chinese legend about peach and immortality

41:08 - What Robin wishes she knew when she first started working with herbs

45:30 - Tips for working with peach pits safely


Yes, I did knit my sweater! Pattern is: Outline Tee by Jessie Maed Designs


The herbal and plant information in this video is for educational purposes only. The information contained is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. If you have or suspect that you have a serious health problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Always consult with a health care practitioner before using any herbal remedy or food, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Rosalee and Robin. Just beautiful 🥰🙏❤️


Thank you so much Rosalee, for sharing all this information. All your guests are delightful!


Loved this episode. It made me nostalgic for big ripe peaches from the tree, and I learned a lot of new info. The feeling in the conversation also confirmed to me that I am walking the right path with plant medicine. Lovely episode, thank you for it.


I love that peaches are also medicinal. Just not something you’d normally think of in the toolkit. Lovely information. Thank you Rosalee.


i love that perspective about longevity with peach because engaging with peach does indeed make you want to live. I had a reunion with my friends from high school after many years of not seeing them. And we went around talking about our favorite experience of the whole year. Mine was picking a peach off my own tree for the very first time haha! They giggled because it seemed like such a small thing, but it really was for me a moment of the purest joy.


Thank You I have purchased all your books sisters and given several as gifts again thank You both ❤


what about nectarines? same? thank you for the lovely video❤


What a wonderful meeting of wise women. Complete aha when Robin talked about how the plants help us become who we are, I have been aware of this with myself and others. such blessings. Thanks so much Rosalee for what you bring to us, you are greatly appreciated.


To think back to just how much I suffered during both my pregnancies probably unnecessarily is sad but no one I knew could help me back then. It was the common eat saltines, sour yoghurt, suck on pickles etc., My poor husband was traumatized by the whole thing but he would come into the bathroom to hold me up over the toilet because my legs just buckled from weakness and usually was covered in vomit himself. We could not travel unless I had a cup w/tissue for the excess saliva. It was really disgusting! This was long ago now but I refused to take anything that might have harmed my babies. To hear about peach kernels is just wonderful and will help others is wonderful Ty!


This episode is brilliant. I've been 'called' into foraging and finding wild edibles in my region, which I currently know nothing. I live in regional (desert) South Australia and I have been deeply wanting to learn the native edibles for this region and perhaps even find some neglected patches in old homestead etc. I've always felt that there may not be much in this region and was feeling a bit lost as to how to even start, but then this episode came up and I have realised that my own garden has far more going on in it than just surface fruit trees. So now I am excited to find out more and dig deeper into the plants that do thrive here regardless of how Ive perceived them previously.


I had no idea that peaches were much more than just delicious.
I have a dwarf peach that is just starting to set fruit.
Two this year, maybe next year six.
Thank you


How to make peach pit infusion? Is there a recipe please


Hi there Rosalee! What just wondering, so what's the best way to dry the Peach pits? As in some online resources it says you shouldn't dry them slowly? So I was confused as to how to dry them...would love some advice? Thank you 💛🌻


Hi Rosalee, I just made the peach oxymel recipe thank you for sharing it with us! I couldn't find whether or not I'm supposed to refrigerate it or let it sit somewhere.


Thank you lovely ladies! Questions: 1. Can we use frozen peaches for the oxymel? 2. Since nectarines are related to peaches, do they have the same medicine in them? Thank you again for your enthusiasm and wisdom. 😍


Are they any recommendations to buy Organic dried Peach leaf ?! MRH doesn't have them. I am in Canada but will buy in US if it's where i can find them :) We have lots of peaches here but not necessarily organic and we know how much pesticides are on those trees :(

Beautiful video. Beautiful flowing respect from each of you for each other.


Oh my goodness I just canned 100 lbs of peaches and threw away all the Pitts, so very 😔
