STUNNING CONFESSION! Prince Charles reveals the truth about his love for Diana!

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Unveiling the truth behind Princess Diana's marriage to Prince Charles, this video reveals the shocking confession the prince made to Diana on the night before their wedding. Join us as we delve into the hidden emotions and complex dynamics that shaped their fairytale-like union.

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Imaginebthe night before getting married he never loved her ! Said for years, he is not an honourable man and so self entitled! He should have passed the crown to his son and camilla should not have been crowned !


Charles did have a love for Diana, but was not IN LOVE like he is with Camilla.


No one will ever for get Diana, let her rest in peice, our king will allso have her on his mind, he got wat he wanted in the end, C,


Let this this be buried... It had happened, it was bygone, Bringing it up can often upset those who are still living and still suffering bad and poor media. These humans are/have made amends to their new lives, but you cannot change the past. Lets enjoy now and the future. No one, I say again, no one on earth is perfect!! No one!!


There is nothing romantic about a man who has a mistress. Camilla is not an honourable woman. Neither one of them displays the ethics we expect from royalty. Charles has destroyed his own family, and having camilla as queen has made a farce of what it means to be noble.


This marriage is not unusual. D was very. young.. D and &Charles were always protected from reality since the day they were born. Many people have the same experience. Their situation is not the only circumstance in the world. Get real.


Everyone knows Diana was brought in to make sure all stayed Royal.
KC was never interested as such it was a marriage of convenience because his lover was not allowed into the Royal circle. Temporary till he could bring her in.
William was Queen's favourite Grandson. She was also watching and he knew how to behave and when corrected he obeyed.
Catherine also has Royal blood and as such William's family will be the future RF.
Kids already inline but it's good to see they know how to be Kids.
There is no law about behaviour as Royalty by William or Catherine but well behaved they are.


Charles should made the “ I do not love you “ at the time of proposal not the day before the wedding. As for the now queen love of her life then why she got married and not wait for the six months until he got back to sort things out?


Diana was a vey young woman who was totally smitten with Prince Charles. What is love? Love should stem from God and should be absolutely pure. As neither of them had a living relationship with Jesus upon their marriage it was only a church wedding. Adultery and wrong soul ties on behalf of the king. So it was headed for doom. A new beginning for the present King and Queen who have repented and must move on. Let us pray for them.


I am happy that she found love before she die💐💐🌹💐🌷✨✨


Go away and dig up something we don’t know.


You can't back out the eve of the wedding. He was a coward


Hey Kito Diana that he didn't love her I wouldn't have married him Chris William wouldn't have born wouldn't be born Charles son as far as Prince Harry not sure about him if he would have been born your life was a shambles I guess if the guy I was getting married to told me he didn't love me I would have never went through the wedding


Princess Diana was allways the star of the show. All the attention was on her, thats why Charles didnt wanted to be in her limelight. She was the most attractive and beautifull princess between all the royals. The monarchy had a great lift when princess Diana step in between the royals. And a big fall down the day princess Diana died. She was still needed on earth by millions. Charles was jealous on the beautifull Diana. Thats why he ran to Camillas bed for him it was far easier. But Diana will ever remain in our lifes and hearts!! Our love for her will never die!!! 🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤🙏


If only Charles never bring the young princess Diana into his life. She might then not be a princess. But she could been married to a ordinary man who would gave her the love and care any human being deserves. Whilst prince Charles at that time knew hes in love with someone else. Why did he ruined princess Dianas life. He should straight away told his parents hes going to get married to Camilla. So Dianas life was a disaster as from day one. He left her heartbroken. Charles got what he wanted. Its about time you leave the stories and let Diana rest in peace. Its all old news we dont want to listen it over and over please?! CHARLES IS WITH WHO HE WANTED TO BE AND DIANA IS ON A BETTER PLACE WITH THE KING OF ALL KINGS. GOD ALLMIGHTY!!!! 🙏🌹❤😭🙏


Prince Charles would have been man enough to tell d
Diana's truth of not loving her rather than putting her under a deadly hateful trap. While Camilla was lurking round the corner waiting for the marriage to crash for her to take over. So sad. Women are the same all over.


He married her so he could have children, she was pure and the Children would be royal, Camilla had been with too many men


Charles was always IN LOVE with Camilla. He married Diana to be a baby Mama who produces heirs to the throne. Diana, aged 19 hoped Charles would learn to love her & they would live happily ever after. But, there were always three people in this marriage. It would never have worked no matter how hard Diana tried.


All I knew. Charles shouldnt even got engaged to Diana. He just mess up her whole life and look where he let her end up in the grave! He neednt had to get married to that innocent young girl just to broke her down. And Diana was absolute to popular for him and he was jealous on that as he had to walk in her shadow. But if Camilla didnt had her hands for some reason on his throat that marriage could work. But he didnt even tried because of his secrets with Camilla. It didnt work that is understandable. But why let her be murdered. Why her young life was taken from her in such a bad way. She found somebody who loved her deeply. As Harry said Dodi wasnt white. They didnt want the 2 boys to let them be with Diana then. So just when she find happiness it was taken away from her. So be reasonable and let Charles choke in his lies. He wasnt worth a husband and father. How many more secret children apart from Simon Charles Day is still hidden? Charles and Camilla is bad people without hearts and full of lies!! Let they carry on!! Infront of the road God is standing with His Hand in the air. Said:STOP;" THAT DAY THEIR WILL BE NO PLA E TO HIDE YOUR SCANDALS. ON THAT DAY THEY WILL GIVE AWNSERS TO THEIR LIES AND SCANDALS!!!! 🐕🐕🤣😎🦊🦊


But we know this it is very old News...we knew it was an arranged marriage...knew then it would never last...but Diana was an emotional young thing...and very was a tragic accident and a beautiful woman was lost...yet still Harry refuses to get help for his addiction and never wears a seatbelt...
