How to Remove a Hickey

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Its so informative to get to know that if you want to remove it, you’ve to hide it


These videos would have way more potential if you posted them as shorts


Bruh 10 to 14 days, I'm going home TOMORROW


add to the title, How to remove a hickey IN A FEW DAYS


10-14 days??? 😭😭😭😭 i cant wait that long huhuhu


i have a cap and gown photoshoot tomorrow💀

I just decided to ring my dad and just tell him I’ve gotten a hickey, be assed tryna work around it


The fact I just said I injured it at work was enough to make my parents believe it


People saying thanks to this video I wanna know your search history or your bed life




They really said "how to remove a hickey" and said to just hide it 😭


I accidentally gave myself a hickey on my bicep and it looks like a bruise now 😭


My bf is a wild animal he gave me a hickey the size of a softball. And its so darkkkk 😭😭😭


I'VE BEEN HIDING THIS HICKEY FOR A DAY NOW 😭😭 did the lip filler challenge and it got under my nose and it left a circle hickey 😭


Bro I have to go to school tmr I need a way to get rid of it instantly without make up


bro i have one in the near back of my neck i need something for NOW


I accidentally gave myself a hickey on my neck. Err, my girlfriend wont believe me 'again' as i done it to myself last month. ❤


I was literally sucking on a cup and i look so stupid


Nayeon. I have been a K-Pop fan for almost an entire decade and I surprisingly didn’t even know about Twice until three years ago. I didn’t know the group even existed despite being a fan of K-Pop, and despite the fact that Twice is a very well-known and recognized group globally. If my neighbor hadn’t shown me the music video for ‘Fancy’ one day, I might still not know about the group until this day. I didn’t support Twice right away because I knew nothing about the group, but all I did know is that I liked you from the moment I first saw the music video. Something about your smooth voice, other-worldly visuals, and captivating gaze had me mesmerized by you at the first glance. Since that was the first and only video I had seen of Twice at that time, you were the only aspect of the video that I could remember, but you stuck with me. Your presence lingered in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about how awe-struck I was at the first sight of you. Some months later, I decided to return to the video, and after I realized how much I loved it, it’s been history ever since. Now, I am a dedicated Once, and have learned so much about the group and the music that I can’t believe I wasn’t a Once before. During the year that I took to know you, I realized that you stood out to me for a reason. Going through Twice’s discography, I have been able to understand why you caught my eye before anyone else all those years ago. I love all of the members, but your presence was unlike, and is unlike anything that I’ve ever seen before. I’ve never heard such a shimmering, stunning, and enticing voice like yours before. I have never seen such powerful, energetic, and expressionistic dancing before I saw you. I have never seen such dedication and appreciation to be on stage, dancing and singing with you beloved members before you. You are just so beautiful, I can’t help but watch you fly across the stage with such hard work and effort evident behind your performance. I have spent every moment since I first discovered you getting to know you and experience what you’ve done during your long time as idol. I know you have gone through so much, and words don’t even come close to identifying the fear and worry you might have sometimes felt during your darkest times. I wish I was a Once at that time to be able to help you through them, but I know you had your members and millions of other loving Once to help you through it. Just know I couldn’t be more proud to support someone who is so strong and hasn’t given up. During some of your hardest times, you haven’t lost the goofiness that I know your are notorious for, and that I know your members and Once love about you. While getting acquainted to your personality, I realize I have been laughing harder than I have in a long time. I’ve have loved becoming familiar with your spontaneous jokes and you teasing your members. I know they and Once love you so much because you always make us laugh and put a smile on our faces with your natural sense of humor that is so unique to you. I love everything about you and I resonate with you on more than one level. I am so blessed that you came into my life because I have loved every second since you’ve done so. I know that your members and Once are lucky to have somebody who is such a rare gem and is all-around talented at everything that she does. You are so loved More and More (pun intended) each passing second by everyone who knows you and I just want you to be aware of your self-worth, especially when you are feeling down. Just know how many people there are who will always love and support you no matter what happens. I am so happy that I became a Once, and even though I wasn’t there sooner, I have more love for you and the rest of Twice that I can even describe. Thank you so much for coming into my life, making me so happy, and inspiring me and so many people all around the world for the better. You are such a ray of sunshine and we are so blessed to have you in our lives! On behalf of your friends, members, Once and family who are the most proud of you, love you the most, and who we thank for raising such a smart and admirable woman, I wish you the most fun, decorative, and perfect birthday that you could possibly have! Please enjoy your birthday because you deserve it and I hope you find happiness in everything that you do! I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the future. Please stay safe, and happy birthday Nayeon! We love and adore you so much. You mean the world to me and always will!


I need to go in public with this massive hickey around my lips THATS Purple😭HELP😭😭😭😭
