Kitchen garden tour in May | planted up at last!

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It looks like an immaculate show garden Steve, those lettuces look beautiful with all the different colours in neat rows.


Really nice, I like that it still looks like a garden, aesthetic and practical with the lawn. Brilliant 👍


You’re garden is a credit to you I have given up trying to grow vegetables because of Slugs! I have tried everything but have admitted defeat. Good old asda! Robert


Inspiring kitchen garden! I love you were lounging when the clip started…as if to say it all happened by magic and you just came upon it. Terrific learning, planning, and hard work on display; not to mention the prospect of some great meals.


Your kitchen garden is beautiful and everything so vibrant and neat
Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼


Very neat and organised garden, looks beautiful 😍


I stand my blueberry pots inside a raised bed frame. It used to be a black plastic one and now it’s galvanised steel. I don’t fill it with anymore compost. I think it does offer some protection to the tubs. The plants look healthy and are flowering well. By contrast I lost all my single pots of tulips in the same garden.


I love seeing updates on your kitchen garden. It does look fantastic as usual


Always excited to see updates on how your garden and allotment are progressing Steve. I got the nematodes in the beds yesterday, potted up some seedlings and planted some out into beds. Every time I watch one of your videos I pick up some more useful tips. I have some brussel sprouts seedlings (only tiny at the moment) lined up for a bed mostly in the shade as something needs to go there. Thought it was worth a try even if just for some leaves. Do you think the kalettes will grow enough there too? I'm concerned that they will shade other plants too much if I grow them in the sunnier beds? Thank you for your all your help Steve.


You demonstrate that, if you do it right, a kitchen garden can show the diversity, interest and structure that more traditional gardens can. I have a pear tree growing in a recycled bin. How often do you water yours and how do you know when to? Best wishes


Just shows what can be achieved in a small space Steve


Good to see the yacon tubers making an appearance. Are you leaving them outdoors 24/7 from now on? Mine are still in the shed, but sprouting nicely.


Your garden is beautiful Steve - how long did it take to build up your fruit tree collection? It looks lovely with the blossom


Very neat and organised. What do you use your weights for? I prop my greenhouse door open with one.


It's so convenient to have so much at your back door :) How do you manage the watering of all the containers though? I'm toying with having my courgettes in big pots this year, but not sure I want to have to water something else, but you know how it is, running out of space...! Always informative watching your vids Steve :)


hi ste whereabouts is your allotment in Lytham I missed your open day last year and hopefully you have an open day this year kind regards
