Armands Secret Plan: Interview With The Vampire

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Armand's Secret Plan: Interview With The Vampire.

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I made this video before watching episode 8.


I don't think Armand even wanted to save Louis.
He just went along with having him as a companion after his plan to have them killed was foiled by Lestat.


Ben Daniels said that Santiago was incredibly attracted to Louis and probably jealous of Louis's beauty and freedom that the coven didn't have, which fueled a lot of his rage.


Remember 6 pages were torn out of Claudia book


Armand probably wanted to take Louie from lestat as revenge for turning him down.


Even though it was eventually revealed that Lestat was the one to save louis, like Daniel said Armand still used it to his advantage and lied about it being him who saved Louis.

This was the last straw for Louis and he leaves Armand before telling him he would kill him if he harmed Daniel for exposing the truth to him. He already knew that Louis wouldn't forgive him for not saving Claudia and Madeline even though he said to Louis in the finale he forgive Armand for what happened which he knows full well isn't the truth.

Armand was treated horribly as a slave, then by Mauris and when he thought he found his companion in the form of Lestat who may of not used him(again this is due to the inaccuracies in his story and me not believing what Lestat truly did to him) him still being heartbroken by that betrayal and then would found Louis, i believe he did love Louis but was also jealous of his relationship with Lestat and Claudia. I feel for him but he is also just as bad as Lestat.


I really like your videos. Binged practically your whole channel so I really appreciate the time and energy you put into these. But I really think you should redo this video in light of what we learn in the season Finale and how it became clear Armand was secretly behind the whole trial and did not in fact save Louie.


Armand is garbage. I look forward to your updated account of Armand's plan after watching Episode 8. I was truly baffled because I was an Armand sympathizer for far too long!


Lestat saved louis armand directed the play to kill all of them he took credit for saving louis for 77 years until Malloy exposes the script with armands handwriting in the margins


For me Lestat and Armand saved Louis. Lestat saved Louis from the Death by fire, however Armand released Louis from the confined coffin and Armand had to feed Louis his blood to revive him.


I read Interview, Lestat, QotD, Body Thief, Memnoch, and Armand years ago, back when I was in high school. I think I also read one about Pandora and, uh, was it Marius? Or Magnus? This series has me questioning if Armand has been messing with my memories, too - and how accurate memory is, in general. I know there are big chunks that I'm forgetting and getting mixed up. I'm sitting here going, "Now, what really happened and what do I just think happened based on POV?" I really like how the show used memory and its unreliability such a thematic centerpiece. I remember feeling like later books basically retconned a bunch of stuff, which made me feel sort of cheated. That works much better as an intentional meditation on the unreliability of memory and the bias of perspective. I don't know if that theme was always in the books and I was just too young to recognize it, or if the showrunners baked it in due to what will come later. Either way, I like it!

I still don't understand Armand's endgame, though. What is he trying to accomplish by constantly mucking about in folks' memories? Didn't this whole "interview" scenario begin because ever-suicidal Louis was, in exposing vampires to the world, also baiting the vampires into killing him? How does any of this benefit Armand? He cannot be acting simply because he wants to be with Louis; he proved himself willing to let Louis be killed in the theater and, again, by baiting the other vampires. He even hesitated when Louis threw himself into the sun. And why turn Molloy, the All I can think is that Armand is, for reasons unknown, trying to control the narrative that goes out into the world. But to what end?


Interesting. Except Lastat saved louis not Armand. If this was indeed true then why was Armand going to let Louis die?


Wait! Hold the phone … they were reading Claudia’s journal while Santiago was rehearsing on stage. When Claudia was scraping gum from underneath the chairs!


I apologize sir but the finale kills this take . But last week, this would have been a bomb video to think about .


Armand is the King of not only holding onto grudges but doing the long con. In the show feels different from the book and previous adaptations, Loius and Claudia were just pawns for Armand to exact his revenge on Lestat.

To me, Armand making Claudia do the Babydoll act was a way to break her spirit and drive her to the point she knows her only way out is to end her life. So that was one way of getting one of Lestat’s fledglings.

As for Francis aka Santiago, he could have stolen Claudia’s journals at any time after discovering she was keeping them. But he didn’t. He stole them only after he was caught by Armand creeping around listening to Armand chew out Claudia in the street. Armand literally threatened Francis with being boxed up like his maker if he didn’t do as he was told. Which I would think was to go steal Claudia’s journals.


I believe that like all children when “happy and never want to hunt alone” was being questioned the day one.


I agree that this was Armand’s plan all along they only messed it up with having Lestat save Louis. He always wanted Louis to himself & knew Claudia was in the way. Armand already showed he was stronger than the rest of the coven so we should’ve known they couldn’t overpower him.


Now the question is why Armand wanted Louis dead?? And why Lestat even agreed to be in the trial? I can’t understand that 😅😅😅


Vampires have a harder time dealing with their feelings than humans do. You'd think they'd have more wisdom and maturity.


Lestat is the main character so who gives AF about Armon. In the books he beats the fuck out of Armon back then and there's nothing he or anyone can do to stop Lestat