#Grade_12#Optional_English(New Course)#This_is_a_Story#Jeannette_Armstrong #short_Story

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The present video will be beneficial to those students/ learners who have taken Optional English @ grade-12:'This is a Story' by Jeannette Armstrong (1948- ), is a female Canadian author, artist, educator and activist.
a. The narrator: who tells the story of Kyoti.
b. George : Who ordered the narrator to tell a story
c. Kyoti: The central character Who is a native of the Okanagan area, the personification of a coyote. A coyote is a wolf like carnivorous mammal.
d. Swallows people(white people): The colonizers (intruders) who are described as monster people because they destroy lives and things that the nature provides. They come from Europe.
e. Okanagan people: The people refer to the Colonized (suffered)ones.
f. Kyoti, The Salmon chief, Tommy and the Old Lady: Anti-colonialist resistance small group.
*This story
a. The narrator: who tells the story of Kyoti.
b. George : Who ordered the narrator to tell a story
c. Kyoti: The central character Who is a native of the Okanagan area, the personification of a coyote. A coyote is a wolf like carnivorous mammal.
d. Swallows people(white people): The colonizers (intruders) who are described as monster people because they destroy lives and things that the nature provides. They come from Europe.
e. Okanagan people: The people refer to the Colonized (suffered)ones.
f. Kyoti, The Salmon chief, Tommy and the Old Lady: Anti-colonialist resistance small group.
*This story
This is a Story by Jeannette C. Armstrong| Summary, Q&A, MCQs|Class 12| Optional English|NEB
#Grade_12#Optional_English(New Course)#This_is_a_Story#Jeannette_Armstrong #short_Story
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