The Hidden Behavior That Treats Your Husband Like A Child

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In this video, I reveal one of the most selfish behaviors we have as women and wives that emasculates our husbands and makes them feel like children.

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6 years ago, I fell down one step, and broke my achilles tendon; it was repaird surgically. Now the wife says "don't fall." Not because she cares for my well-being; rather she doesn't want to deal with any injuries. Also, if I get behind on my cholesterol meds, she will say "You better not hve a heart attack, because I'm not going to care for you." I understand that to a degree, but it's the nasty tone of voice. I would never be that way with her if she got hurt or had a medical issue.


Spot on.
1/ Women love the “emotional roller coaster”. If all is well in their world they will create problems to feed their own narcissistic need for emotional fluctuation.
2/ This kind of “worry” also gives women the “feeling” of “emotional superiority” in the relationship.
3/ You are right that most women are more concerned about their own feelings and what they might loose should their partner get hurt.
Women also use this kind of “worry” for their partners wellbeing as a power grab in the relationship. Training their partners to do as their told in matters that appear to be in their partners best interests, then expanding their control and manipulation to areas that serve their own needs.
Thank you for your honesty in dealing with the current female zeitgeist.
Please continue your great work.
Regards Peter👍👍


I've noticed that mothers project their fears onto their children, while fathers help children overcome their fears.


I was watching the movie Troy. In one scene, Hector was about to go and fight the enemy and his wife said. "Don't go, I'll die without you". No concern over for the fact that he'll die a bloody, painful death. Just how it affects her. That's what is important. That summed it all up for me.


God bless you for facing yourself and holding yourself accountable!!! Only “adults” can actually be in and maintain adult relationships


I'm MGTOW and side stepped marriage. Don't get me wrong, I love women, just don't want to be a slave on the plantation.


My wife also does this with our grown children. "You can't go there, its dangerous, someone was shot there last year. Don't talk to x, their fathers, uncles, brother is a loser." The list of things we can't do are endless


Another thought-provoking video, thank you. I'm not married, but I can see this in my brother's wife. She is always worried about his health, pestering him to go to the doctor, fretting about his weight or his blood pressure. From my perspective, this worry has always seemed self-centered. She is mainly worried not about my brother, but about what would happen to her, if he got very sick or died. On the one hand, I get that. If he died or got very sick, her life would be turned upside down. On the other hand, the worry is cloaked as virtue, as being loving. That bothers me, because it's a pretense. Everyone is supposed to believe that it's all about love. I'm not saying it's all/nothing -- I'm sure some love is there, too. But there is a lot of self-concern, too, and that part is never acknowledged. Everyone is just supposed to go along with the pretense.


Very much like saying "I'm sorry". In "Gone With the Wind" Brett tells Scarlet "you are like the thief that stole. You're not sorry you stole, you're just sorry you're going to jail". I hear I'm sorry so many times. She's not sorry. she's just sorry she got called out on it otherwise she wouldn't be doing it over and over.


Worrying is destructive, it accomplishes nothing. Emotional intelligence does not exist.


You seem to be the most amazing wife. Your husband is one blessed man..


I've know quite a few widows over the years I worked as a church pastor. I really only knew one or two that showed that they missed their husbands.


I divorced my wife after 30 years. I tried for a decade to “save” her from her substance and alcohol abuse. She damn near ruined me financially. I’m now in a better place all around. Don’t do like me guys. It damaged our children which I should have put first.


Thank you for your honesty and putting yourself out in the open!


Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama will keep baby cosy and warm


Similar to when wives cry at their husbands funerals. They are not crying for the man that is dead. They are crying for their own situation.


Worry is, in general, a near-useless emotion. It's good for identifying potential threats and that's about it. Worry has its place, but it's marginally productive or useful.


It's hugely devaluing and belittling. It places us in the child position


I agree totally. Women seem to just not let men be men. They wanna be mommy in control. I speak from experience. Let the man be the man and he will be a better husband leading his household. Just my little opinion.


I realized my wife's "worry" about things I do to create space and survive living with her was bs when she persistently refused to do things I was asking her to do that were for the direct betterment of our home as an example for our daughters. Her "worry" has become the equivalent of when the devil wants to keep you feeling convicted of sin after you have repented or as you struggle through it. It's about control and it's not about being the husband's helper and cheerleader. She refuses to fix her part and acknowledge it's role in her false care in the name of worry that she uses to be a non-submissive wife.
